Sentences with phrase «caesarean section at»

Dawn Reeves, MD, has helped with the care of a lot of newborns but none like the 4.6 pound girl gorilla who arrived via emergency caesarean section at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in March.

Not exact matches

Susan: She had to have a Caesarean section... She was advised at the time to have an abortion, but because of her Catholic beliefs that didn't come about.
Women in their thirties and forties have diminished fertility, are at higher risk of miscarriage and are more likely to experience birth complications requiring a caesarean section.
There are many reasons given, for example, I chose to birth at home because I desired a natural birth and wanted to avoid an unnecessary caesarean section.
There are many more personal reasons that are given, for example, Caroline chose to birth at home because she desired a natural birth and wanted to avoid an unnecessary caesarean section.
Most people that choose to birth at home have only chosen after extensive research and feel that the small risk of a serious complication is preferable to the high rate of intervention in a hospital setting (including the 33 % national caesarean section rate.)
Most people that choose to birth at home have chosen this option after extensive research and feel that the small risk of a serious complication is preferable to the high rate of interventions in a hospital setting (including the 33 % national caesarean section rate, 45 % at some local hospitals).
Most people that choose to birth at home have only chosen after extensive research and feel that the small risk of a serious complication is preferable to the high rate of interventions in a hospital setting (including the 33 % national caesarean section rate.)
For example, our midwife, Caroline chose to birth at home because she desired a natural or «physiologic» birth and wanted to avoid an unnecessary caesarean section.
My understanding of one of the evidence based benefits of a doula came from studies which looked at «a woman known to the labouring woman» but not involved in her medical care being present for the labour reduced Caesarean section.
Traditionally, caesarean sections were only carried out when a normal birth would put the health of either the mother or baby at risk; however, nowadays, many women are having elective caesareans, meaning they choose to have the operation rather than giving birth naturally.
It takes longer to recover from a caesarean section and you should wait at least six weeks before you even start to think about exercising; wait until you have had your six week check - up and ask your doctor or midwife for advice about exercising.
In a randomised controlled trial comparing community based care with standard hospital care a significant difference in caesarean section rates was found (13.3 % v 17.8 % respectively).29 Planning a home birth30 or booking for care at a midwife led birth centre is also associated with lower operative delivery rates.
C - section rates for first time mothers varied from 22.95 % in Sligo General up to 40.15 % in St Luke's Hospital Kilkenny with both units also reporting extremely low vaginal birth of Caesarean rates at 0.93 % and 3.51 % respectively.
Term pregnancy, transport at first assessment because of decelerations, rupture of vasa previa before membranes ruptured, caesarean section, died in hospital two days after birth
The vast majority of caesarean sections are carried out without any problems at all; however, it is important to realise that this is a major surgical procedure and therefore there are risks.
The uterus can rupture at the area where the incision was made in the caesarean section.
Adverse maternal morbidity: defined as at least one of: general anaesthetic; instrumental birth; caesarean section; third or fourth degree perineal trauma; blood transfusion; admission to an intensive treatment unit, high dependency unit, or specialist unit; or maternal death (within 42 days after giving birth)
In 2000, Hannah et al published the findings of a randomised multicentre trial into planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term.
The problem I see is that direct entry midwives in the United States will often attend home births that do not fit these criteria; while insisting that home birth is at least as safe as hospital birth, many will attend twin births, breech births, births after 41 weeks, births of women who have pre-existing or pregnancy - induced disease, births after two or more previous caesarean sections, and births of women whose labor has been jump - started rather than begun spontaneously (whether by herbs, prolonged nipple stimulation, the breaking of her water, or illicit use of medications).
On the other hand, if you had a caesarean section without any labour at all, your baby's head may be round and perfect, right from the start.
The best way to deliver your baby (by Caesarean section or vaginally) depends on how much of the virus is in your blood (your HIV viral load) at the time of delivery.
According to a study in the British Medical Journal, birth outcomes in hospitals and at home are similar, except that hospital births tended to have more medical intervention — namely, caesarean sections.
Breastfeeding after a caesarean section (C - section) may help manage pain, with mothers who breastfed their babies for at least 2 months after the operation three times less likely to experience persistent pain compared to those who breastfed for less than 2 months, according to new research being presented at this year's Euroanaesthesia Congress in Geneva (3 - 5 June).
Women who have given birth by caesarean section are less likely to be mobile, less able to care for more than one infant at once, and may have more difficulty finding a comfortable position to feed (Bennington 2011; Flidel - Rimon 2002).
Caesarean section (main PO), instrumental vaginal birth, unassisted vaginal birth, epidural analgesia, Apgar scores ≤ 7 at 5 min, admission to SCBU, preterm birth (GA < 37 weeks)
Among women who had a third or fourth degree tear at first birth, 24.2 % were delivered by elective caesarean section, compared with 1.5 % of women who did not tear at first birth.
«Breech deliveries, in general, are done by Caesarean section for exactly the reason that happened in this case,» said Dr. Jacques Moritz, director of gynecology at St. Luke's - Roosevelt Hospital in New York City.
If you delivered your baby through birth interventions like a caesarean section, or forceps, or if you were induced, your child is at a high risk of developing long - term health complications, according to new research.
History of preterm birth at < 34 completed weeks gestation, Recurrent miscarriage, Moderate to severe pre-eclampsia (see detailed guidelines), Intra Uterine Growth Restriction (see detailed guidelines), Caesarean section, previous unexplained stillbirth, eclampsia, uterine rupture, placental abruption, PUPP, Obstetric cholestasis, 3rd or 4th degree tear, definitive PPH, manual removal of placenta, shoulder dystocia, neonatal death, infant with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, midtrimester miscarriage · Previous gynaecological history.
Caesarean sections should only be carried out when medically necessary, according to the World Health Organisation, which says the surgical procedure can put the health of women and their babies at risk.
From midwifery services and Birth Center to pregnancies with multiples and Caesarean sections, three generations of a local family have received nearly 32 years of health care and experienced seven births at UC San Diego Health System.
1999 Antinori promises 14 women a Millennium «test tube baby», claiming that he could deliver the baby to order at the required date and time by Caesarean section.
In this respect, a baby born by Caesarean section is at a disadvantage.
Reproductive complications, such as a Caesarean section, are usually referred to the emergency hospital at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in Grafton, MA.
There are also circumstances when a horse requires care at a hospital, such as for a colic surgery or a Caesarean section.
We are proud to offer a wide range of reproductive services at our animal hospital, from initial pre-breeding exams through high - risk or planned caesarean sections.
Do not use at any stage of pregnancy or for Caesarean section.
A Caesarean section, or C - section, is the surgical delivery of a baby through incisions made by an obstetrician in the mother's abdomen and uterus and may be performed when the mother is unable to deliver her child vaginally or when a vaginal delivery would put the health or life of the baby and / or mother at risk.
David Weber was thrust into the national spotlight for deciding to ignore police warnings to slow down as he drove his pregnant wife at top speed to hospital for an emergency caesarean section last March.
Increasing caesarean section rates among low - risk groups: a panel study classifying deliveries according to Robson at a university hospital in Tanzania
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