Sentences with phrase «caffeine related studies»

Many caffeine related studies are often performed on Scandinavians because of their high rate of consumption.

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In a study of more than 3,400 five - and six - year - olds, reported in the journal Pediatrics, researchers found no evidence that the children's behavioral problems were related to their mothers» caffeine intake during pregnancy.
«I'll be doing some related and follow - up studies at Clarkson to look at differences in natural vs. synthetic caffeine, and other cocoa studies» Boolani adds.
Acute Caffeine Administration Impact on Working Memory - Related Brain Activation and Functional Connectivity in the Elderly: a Bold and Perfusion MRI Study.
Another study examined caffeine's impact on ischemic muscle contraction pain, which is a specific and intense type of pain related to heart attacks.
Many long term studies have shown that consistent caffeine consumption is related to weight reduction and it seems that this has something to do with various factors that are based on the chemistry of the molecule of the caffeine itself.
The researchers explained that despite the fact that caffeine intake is strongly related to smoking and has been proven to increase risk of preterm delivery as well as the baby being small for gestational age at birth, in this study they found no link between either coffee caffeine or total caffeine and preterm delivery, however they did find a connection between caffeine and being small for gestational age.
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research conducted a systematic review of 29 studies related to caffeine and athletic performance.
Other studies have explained that caffeine increases sports - related performance by mobilizing the fatty acids in our fat tissues, therefore allowing the body to use them for energy (4).
Maternal caffeine intake in pregnancy is inversely related to childhood peer problems in Japan: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study, Nutritional Neuroscience, published online.
This conclusion is based on prospective cohort studies showing a dose - dependent positive association between caffeine intakes during pregnancy and the risk of adverse birth weight - related outcomes (i.e. foetal growth retardation, small for gestational age) 26.
However, two Dutch studies on subjects aged 24 - 81 years also found positive effects of caffeine on cognition, mainly reaction time and verbal memory, but no age - related differences11, 12.
The primary objective of this study was to determine whether caffeine and its associated beverages (coffee, tea, and soda) are related to serum concentrations of reproductive hormones in a cohort of 259 healthy premenopausal women and whether these associations differ by race.
Studies show that slow caffeine metabolizers are more prone toward heart problems related to caffeine intake than fast metabolizers.
Facts: In 2008, two studies on the effects of caffeine related to miscarriage showed significantly different outcomes.
In one animal study, caffeine levels of coffee extracts were inversely related to hepatocellular injury [85].
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