Sentences with word «cagemate»

For instance, gerbils and rats are very social animals that do best with cagemates of the same gender.
Any hamster beyond their immediate group of cagemates is perceived as a threat.
Environmental causes include: low temperature, low humidity, excessive handling of shy species, overcrowding (may occur with only two dragons in a cage), aggression from cagemates, lack of hide box for visual security, lack of UV light and lack of proper diet.
Tubes can stimulate chasing games between cagemates and provide a place to sleep.
Researchers tracked rats» exploration of a large, unfamiliar room, first alone, then again 2 days later either alone or paired with a familiar cagemate.
In a 2011 study, for example, Mason and colleagues showed that if a rat is trapped in a narrow plastic tube, its unrestrained cagemate will work on the latch until it figures out how to spring the trap.
The microbiomes of rodent cagemates tend to homogenize — the animals eat each other's feces — so the researchers housed mice from both suppliers together.
They also determined whether the microbe could easily be transmitted among cagemates.
Cagemates share microbes, thanks to their penchant for eating one another's feces.
Again, the infected chickens were dead in no time, leaving them no chance to spread the disease to their healthy cagemates.
The sudden exposure to these disease - ridden cagemates killed nearly a quarter of the colony, but the survivors began producing a subset of the memory T cells key to fighting infection.
The resulting mice had the prairie voles» receptor distribution in their limbic systems; and although not monogamous, they were more devoted than normal mice to female cagemates, showing some of the other vole's eagerness in sniffing and grooming.
Dwarf hamsters can often share a cage if they're introduced to their future cagemates at an early age.
Rabbits and guinea pigs are social animals and having a same - gender or altered cagemate can drastically increase the animal's activity level, as well as happiness.
First, only purchase a hamster that has been living with cagemates.
Environmental causes include: low temperature, low humidity, excessive handling of shy species, overcrowding (may occur with only two iguanas in a cage), aggression from cagemates, lack of hide box for visual security, lack of UV light and lack of proper diet.
Tubes can stimulate chasing games between cagemates and also provide a place to sleep.
Rachels has described an experiment with rhesus monkeys in which not only did monkeys refrain from eating for many days in order not to shock another monkey, but the willingness to undergo such hunger was correlated with (1) whether or not the monkeys had been cagemates and (2) whether or not the hungry monkey had itself been in the situation of the monkey undergoing the shocks.
Rats that had previously been immersed learned how to save their cagemates much more quickly than those who had never been soaked, suggesting that empathy drove their behavior, she adds.
While none of his cagemates has figured out his technique, they have sometimes outperformed him in other cognitive tests.
Both chimps and bonobos teamed up with their cagemate to pull the ropes when the fruit was cut up into easily sharable pieces, the researchers found.
They found that, with this diet, the microbes associated with leanness didn't colonize the cagemates» intestines.
If your hamster has cagemates, they may begin to pick on it more than usual.
Dwarf hamsters will respond similarly, but their behavior may be affected by their cagemates, and thus may not be as readily changed.
Infections by bacteria can occur following a traumatic event, such as a bite wound or scratch from a cagemate.
Guinea pigs who live in social groups are more likely to get along with their cagemates if they have ample room to interact, and also get space to themselves if they do not want to play with other guinea pigs and need some private time.
For example, a female may become more territorial, more nervous and jumpy, dislike being picked up, start quarrels with cagemates or, if she was too young when she became pregnant, she may never fully grow.
The longer a dwarf hamster has been on its own, the less likely it is to accept a cagemate.
To help a dwarf hamster deal with the loss of a cagemate, offer it new toys, spend extra time interacting with it and watch that it eats enough.
If they live with a cagemate, they tend to be friendlier toward humans.
The plus side of having two or more rabbits living together is that you don't have to feel guilty when you aren't home to spend time with your bunny — you'll know that your pet has a cagemate for company.
Ferrets that groom their cagemates can also be treated with a pet laxative, and the cagemates can be frequently brushed and bathed to decrease hair ingestion.
Mice who live in social groups are more likely to get along with their cagemates if they have ample room to interact, and also get space to themselves if they do not want to play with other mice and need some private time.
In animal studies, social «support» is assessed in terms of whether an animal is socially isolated and housed alone or whether it has cagemates.
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