Sentences with phrase «cake way over the top»

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I was wondering about the size of the cake pan you used — I'd love to know because I've experienced that if you use a wrong size you end up with a cake that's way too flat or that has filling running over the top haha Keep going, thank you so much for your awesome site!!
The best way to describe it is, take a salty, coconut and pecan candy bar and melt it over the top of a chocolate cake.
Using a spoon, drip lines of icing over your cake to create a pretty pattern (I dip my spoon half way into the icing and then slowly draw even lines across the top, holding the spoon about 2 inches over the cake).
But any laughs that may have come from a deleted scenes reel are provided by one of the two music videos on the disc: the hilarious clip for «Loverboy,» where Mariah dons hotpants, wears a bandanna as a top, and bends over in suggestive ways, culminating in her popping out of a cake.
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