Sentences with phrase «calcified deposits»

They detected greater levels of calcified deposits and reduced levels of a protein that inhibits calcification in individuals with premature membrane rupture compared to a control group that underwent term cesarean sections.

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Zink says these findings fit with earlier investigations showing that Ötzi's major arteries, including his aorta, were all calcified — a sign they were clogged with fatty deposits.
Although nanobacteria may not cause kidney stone disease, Coe notes additional circumstantial evidence: At least four teams have reported tiny spherical deposits in the calcified plaques that often appear in the kidneys of patients who suffer from kidney stones.
In the Nature study you state that previous work has not determined the impact of acidification on the ability of individual species to calcify because they measured net calcification (that is, gross calcification minus dissolution) thus failing to disentangle the relative contributions of gross calcification (the amount of carbonate deposited by an animal over time) and dissolution rates.
About 40 percent of Americans have calcified pineals by age seventeen.50 «Calcium, phosphorus and fluoride deposits increase with aging and are likely to cause decreased melatonin production and abnormal pineal function, which could contribute to a variety of effects in humans.»
It actually calcifies your tissues if it's bio-unavailable made so by pasteurization and then it deposits in your tissues and you joints and starts calcifying them.
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