Sentences with phrase «calcium absorption resulting»

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Results indicate that calcium absorption increased 1 percent in the high - dose group but decreased 2 percent in the low - dose group and 1.3 percent in the placebo group.
This makes vitamin K2 supplementation critical, particularly if people are also supplementing with calcium and D. Your body needs the tools necessary to appropriately manage all the extra calcium entering the blood stream as a result of enhanced absorption from the D and higher intake from the calcium supplements.
Just as lack of Vitamin D and poor calcium absorption can cause malformation of the bones of the legs (as in the case of Rickets), it can cause the jawbone to form poorly, resulting in spacing problems for the teeth and braces for the child.
Increased blood levels of vitamin D will result in greater absorption of calcium in the blood.
Calcium homeostasis is normally well regulated so that increased calcium loss through the urine results in increased calcium absorption from tCalcium homeostasis is normally well regulated so that increased calcium loss through the urine results in increased calcium absorption from tcalcium loss through the urine results in increased calcium absorption from tcalcium absorption from the gut.
The lifeguards high sun exposure resulted in high vitamin D which increases calcium absorption, which in the absence of adequate vitamin K2 can contribute to calcium stones in the kidneys.
This happens because excess protein consumption boosts calcium absorption, resulting with an increased level of calcium in the blood.
In conclusion, a meal containing 16.4 % resistant starch resulted in a greater apparent absorption of calcium and iron compared with a completely digestible starch meal.
According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, insufficient calcium or excess phosphorus can lower calcium absorption and result in irritability, hyperesthesia (oversensitivity to sensory stimuli), and loss of muscle tone.
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