Sentences with phrase «calcium stores»

That's because animal flesh is acidic, forcing calcium stored in the body (eg, in bones) to be drawn into the bloodstream to buffer the acid.
In the bones, the hormone triggers the release of calcium stores from the bones to the blood.
Breast milk is rich in calcium, and if your diet is lacking in this important nutrient, your body will use your own calcium stores, which could leave you deficient.
You can consume too much calcium through supplements, but certain health problems can cause your body to develop excessive calcium stores, as well.
When easily accessible calcium stores have been depleted, your body will ask your bones to kick in their share.
Let alone a person who needs to rebuild deficient calcium stores.
Even citrus juices can help us building good calcium stores for stronger bones.
The hormone plays a role in regulating blood calcium levels, helping the body maintain adequate calcium stores in the bloodstream to protect bone health.
Some types of medication can cause hypocalcemia by reducing calcium stores or making it more difficult for the body to absorb calcium.
Breastfeeding women can lose three to five percent of bone mass because your bodies use calcium stores (located mostly in the bones) in order to meet the baby's needs.
SOCE is a process by which Calcium ions slowly enter cells to refill Calcium stores that have been depleted by various activities.
The more salt the kidney must excrete, the more calcium it loses, exacerbating osteoporosis in older women and predisposing younger women to the disease by depleting calcium stores.
Certain antibiotics and antiseizure medications can also lower calcium stores.
flesh is acidic, forcing calcium stored in the body (eg, in bones) to be drawn into the bloodstream to buffer the acid.
However, this is especially useful for pregnant cats since the natural hormonal changes associate with pregnancy mobilizes calcium stored in the bones into the blood.
This excretion requires calcium, so high protein diets should be combined with a calcium supplement to protect against reduced calcium stores.
In my view these individuals have plenty of calcium stored in soft tissues where it does not belong, and supplementing boron and magnesium is expected to redeposit this misplaced calcium into bones.
This process of muscular contraction can last for as long as there is adequate ATP and Calcium stores.
-- Dairy Products: Because dairy products are high in protein, salt, fat and phosphates, they may actually interfere with the retention of calcium stores and cause more calcium to be lost than saved when they are used in the large amounts usually promoted by the dairy industry.
Calcium is required to create the egg shell; therefore birds laying many eggs tend to use up their calcium stores very quickly.
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