Sentences with phrase «calculate wage loss»

These are just a few of the issues are likely to pop up when trying to calculate wage loss benefits.
[345] Regulators should note, however, that Mr. Gichuru relied on actuarial evidence calculating wage losses not only for the base period of delayed entry into the profession, but for the impact of delayed entry over the applicant's entire working life, in the form of a permanent earnings lag.

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This request comes as the County is still calculating savings from early retirees, who are not required to state their intention to retire until early October, the fact that County Executive Picente is looking to work with unions to freeze wages for this coming year, and because of the need to plan for appropriate job losses in the event that the wage freeze proposal is not accepted.
In either case we ultimately work with your employers, with their records, with doctors and economists to calculate the full amount of the wage losses that you have as a result of your injuries, whether it's temporary or the full life due to the severity of the injury.
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