Sentences with phrase «calculate warming time»

It comes with an easy to use control or dial in front and it calculates the warming time for you.

Not exact matches

The warmer is controlled by a dial where you set the size of bottle you wish to heat and it will automatically calculate the correct time to warm.
The emergence dates calculated by the model matched the historical records, strongly suggesting that global warming has driven the changes in emergence timing.
Raymond Pierrehumbert at the University of Chicago and Eric Gaidos at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu calculated the warming effect of a hydrogen blanket on Earth - sized planets, as well as on worlds a few times more massive than our own, known as super-Earths.
Carl Sagan first speculated that hydrogen warming could have been important on early Mars back in 1977, but this is the first time scientists have been able to calculate its greenhouse effect accurately.
Applied to the PETM, they calculated how fast the carbon was released, how fast Earth's surface warmed, and constrained the time scale of the onset, which was at least 4,000 years.
This man's eyes were warm, genuine, even, if you can be calculating and genuine at the same time, which maybe you couldn't be.
Rodhe (1990) calculated that the contribution of an N2O molecule to global warming is 300 times that of a CO2 molecule.
Although it is far less abundant than carbon dioxide and stays in the air for only a decade or so, molecule for molecule its warming effect (calculated over 100 years) is 25 times higher.
Five different time periods were chosen, then the warming (degree C) per CO2 tonne was calculated for each time period.
Were the hypothesis that warming will increase at least 1C / decade averaged over a millennium at 95 % confidence, nineteen times in twenty, given the noise in the signal, all other things being equal, we'd first need 17 years at least to get some kinda sketchy data, and then could begin calculating from the set of subsequent running or independent 17 year spans (a different calculation for each, depending on the PDF) the probability that a -20 C decade would be consistent with a +1 C / decade hypothesis.
If I used stock market prices as a proxy for human emissions, found it fit well, then calculated a sensitivity and said, «The planet will warm 3.1 degrees every time stock market prices double,» I'd be laughed at.
From a recent article in the LA Times about Big Oil's calculations, Mobil oil's engineers were calculating for climate warming sea - level rises in Canadian drilling sites in 1996: One year earlier, though, engineers at Mobil Oil were concerned enough about climate change to design and build a collection of exploration and production facilities along the Nova Scotia coast that made structural allowances for rising temperatures and sea levels.
By calculating this Libration forcing on a time scale, you will see, that global warming has stopped at 2000 and stays flat as Plateau for the next decades until 2043.
We use our acceleration estimates to back calculate to a time of zero velocity, which coincides with the initiation of ice loss in Iceland from ice mass balance calculations and Arctic warming trends.
If the transient climate sensitivity to CO2 doubling is close to what Nic Lewis has calculated, and if the time required for CO2 to double is 140 years, and if the agricultural effects of short - term warming and CO2 increase are beneficial, then we can safely take actions independent of worries about CO2 production for the next 30 years or so.
It has been calculated that by the time the concentration of CO2 reaches 350 - 400 ppm, most of the available radiation has been depleted and little further warming can occur Beers law is a better fit to this than the equations by Arrhenius.
Wind / solar are limited to a small percentage of the total, due to the inherent lack of reliability — and, when you calculate in the CO2 from the required gas - fired standby plants for the 75 - 80 % of the time they are idle, there is very little net reduction in CO2 and essentially no impact on global warming.
Wilson calculates out the global warming potential of different insulations, assuming that 50 % of the blowing agents will leak out of the insulation over time.
Whenever the models will get higher resolution, they may calculate or catch up what we are measuring every day, mean time we can clearly see (6 billion of us) that we are responsible for this warming, and that it is likely going faster, in direct proportionality with humanities world wide economic output driven by growth, and sadly of course its by - product, pollution.
Robert Howarth, an environmental biology professor at Cornell University, used research from the United Nations to calculate that if methane's potency were considered over 20 years rather than 100 years, it would be 72 times as powerful as carbon dioxide in terms of its warming potential.
However, the full ramifications of global warming are almost impossible to calculate at this time.
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