Sentences with phrase «calibration period»

A "calibration period" is a designated time when adjustments or fine-tuning are made to a device, system, or process to ensure it is accurate, precise, or in proper working condition. Full definition
The 1950 - 1960 data calibration period becomes a random occurrence.
Instead of standardizing each proxy series on the mean of the whole series before transforming into a set of PCs, Mann et al standardized on the mean during the instrumental calibration period.
Furthermore, methods that impose a space - time structure based on a modern calibration period assume that such patterns are stationary over time, and some implicitly consider remote teleconnection to be stable.
Anomalies simply take the average of the observed temperatures (daily, monthly, annual, max, min, or what have you), and convert them to a scale with a different zero point — a zero defined as the mean observed temperature over some accepted calibration period.
But model x and model y are apparently measurements from a «holdout», or «verification» period, using parameters estimated from a distinct calibration period, and hence is not mathematically enforced.
IMHO extrapolation 40y to 90y outside the 30y calibration period has no scientific merit whatsoever, however it is done.
Huybers additionally makes an interesting point regarding the calculation of significance levels in MM05 and shows that a crucial step (the rescaling of variance of the proxies to match the variance in the instrumental calibration period) was missed out.
Plotted are 100 pairs of points that may be thought of as a hypothetical annual series of proxy data and corresponding instrumental surface temperature measurements over a 100 - year calibration period.
«Congratulations to the entire team on the successful development and deployment of the IRIS mission,» said IRIS project manager Gary Kushner of the Lockheed Martin Solar and Atmospheric Laboratory in Palo Alto, Calif. «Now that IRIS is in orbit, we can begin our 30 - day engineering checkout followed by a 30 - day science checkout and calibration period
After a calibration period, TGO will adjust its orbit in 2017 to begin its science mission, seeking signs of geological and even biological activity upon Mars.
After a calibration period to understand your unique body fluctuations, your check - ins will be measured based on your progress toward your goal, not a number.
The calibrated model can be tested against another set of observed values and stresses to see if it can reproduce a data set outside of the calibration period.
It would be odd not to show how the predicted and observed values compare over the calibration period.
So his AD1000 reconstruction appears to use only the calibration period up to 1949 for screening and calibration.
It would be an interesting study, IMO, to examine the intra-site coherence in ring response (across some set of sites), to see how that coherence changes between the pre-calibration and calibration periods.
We can quantitatively know the relationship between environmental driver and ring response only during the calibration period, when we have both types of data.
If we calibrate a driver / response relationship based on a criterion of some minimal correlation (or probability) from a linear model, but the calibration period from which that derives only actually samples some part of a more complex, non-linear response surface / curve, then the estimates of the parameter of interest in times past could be seriously wrong and / or the certainty in the parameter over-estimated.
Use of non-centered PCA thus emphasized, as was desired, changes in past centuries relative to the 20th century calibration period.
If (1) you have a few hockey stick shaped series in a smallish data set which otherwise is cancelling noise, and (2) then re-scale your average to a temperature scale in the calibration period, you can get hockey stick shaped «reconstructions».
The parameters were chosen to minimize the SSE of the model during the calibration period (which comprised 17 years).
Moberg is a bit on the cool side overall — which might just mean it was anomalously warm during the calibration period used for centering.
The calibration period is back when temperature measurement was less reliable.
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