Sentences with phrase «call atheism»

Ok now I know most atheists are live and let live and couldn't care less about what other people believe, but whenever you get defensive and wonder why «theists» often call atheism just as much a religion as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc look at things like this.
I do find it highly amusing when I see someone trying to call atheism a «religion».
you call atheism the easy way, yet it seems to require much more input than religion.
C are you so damn dumb to call Atheism a religion.
Please stop calling atheism a religion or a belief.
I don't mind you calling atheism a «religious background», because it does kinda describe what our stand is on religion, but it's a mistake to actually call it a religion.
What is called atheism is generally a sadly disappointed or militantly outraged reaction to the fact that we can and must «deal with... all questions of importance without recourse to the «working hypothesis» called «God.»»
Passing over the fact that calling atheism a religion is a contradiction in terms, whats the point of your statement?
One Atheist said: «Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color However, atheists make such claims so Atheism can avoid legal imperatives placed on religions in many countries, and can avoid some of the ideological hang - ups people have about «religion».
As for calling atheism a religion, that is simply incorrect and demonstrates the maker of the statement either fundamentally misunderstands what atheism is and / or has an agenda to push.
Really, instead of pointlessly calling atheism the «antichrist» you could have just gone to Google and researched those things you don't understand for yourself.
Religion is older than your so called Atheism pride.
Just to clarify for those calling atheism a belief system comparable to religion; you've got it wrong.
Calling Atheism a religion is like calling abstinence a s - x position.

Not exact matches

@Yakobi try again,... how about 1/3 fallen angels (now called demons) making up religions / as well as belief of atheism to be worshiped directly / indirectly as God?
If the idea that our beliefs are determined by our upbringing or geographical location then why the rise in atheism in America, a so - called Christian nation (according to the rest of the world and confirmed in polls... yet quickly denied by the U.S. media when addressed this way), taking off?
Agnostics believe the existence of God can not be proven, but Atheism is a belief that centers itself upon the non-existence of a deity — and calls into question the multiple guides of morality, and spirituality that exist to support that belief.
If as you say you have talked to others who claim to be Atheist the way you describe it then they are IDIOTS who also don't understand Atheism and yes at that point since they are claiming «no God» to be true, then by all means call their point of view a «religion».
you sir are practicing a religion one that means so much to you that you use it as your online name also please show me where I call you a fool or is telling someone not to make a fool of themself the same as calling them a fool which would mean you are very religious as far as Colin he said nothing that related to the debate I was in with you... we are talking about Atheism as a religious view not debating the existence of God now look over the definitions I have shown you and please explain how Atheism does not fit into the said definitions And you claim that evolution is true so the burden of proof falls in your lap as it is the base of your religion.
Atheism is just a something really arrogant people call themselves when they can't find a religion they like.
I called myself agnostic earlier last year then swtched to atheism.
You are as dogmatic as any «true believer», though not for atheism, but nationalism that you call.
It is the case that many leaders of what might be called the politics of atheism have been but one step or one generation removed from the liberal Protestant pulpit.
Atheism / communism has murdered more people in the 20th century than ALL so called wars of religion.
Cad... calling them «Morons» is part of the new «aggressive atheism» spawned by Hitchens etc..
The modernist — the extreme modernist, infidel in all but name — need not be called a fool or hypocrite because he obstinately retains, even in the midst of his intellectual atheism, the language, rites, sacraments, and story of the Christians.
@ John, what you are describing is called Agnosticism, not Atheism.
Because you're not sold on atheism; it's not really your true calling?
It was when kids in elementary school called my nonchurched children «dirty atheists» that I decided to support atheism, so as to disempower the Christian bullshit around that term.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
Unless you choose to believe you can never understand what I believe and though I don't agree with the position of atheism I don't call you stupid but we don't get that same respect.
If you are trying to weaken the legitimacy atheism by calling it just another belief system, what does that say about the legitimacy of your own beliefs?
Using the definition of «religion» that some theists appear to be using in their desperate attempt to equate atheism with religion, one could call all sorts of things a «religion» — like Capitalism for example.
And I know you atheists really hate it when atheism is called a religion, but atheist churches are popping up.
Funny how whevenever the godfolk wwant to insult atheism, they try to call it a religion.
This is also sometimes called agnostic atheism because most people who self - consciously lack belief in gods tend to do so for agnostic reasons.
Strong atheism is sometimes called «gnostic atheism» because people who take this position often incorporate knowledge claims into it — that is to say, they claim to know in some fashion that certain gods or indeed all gods do not or can not exist.
It is amusing to watch an atheist squirm and dig back 1,000 years to try to reference so - called «christian atrocities», when atheism / secularism / scientism has slaughtered millions just in the 20th century alone.
I remember a story was done here about a famous woman converting from atheism to Catholism and atheists called her the most vicious and vile names I've ever heard.
What is being called «atheism» looks like anti-christian sentiment alone.
But God - forbid someone is against their atheism — because then those people are called «biggots».
So why didn't you call Al Cruise on the «smug intellectual condescension» of «Atheism is a clever way of avoiding the question entirely»?
He has often been a vociferous promoter of science in the Church, calling for good Catholic scientists and indeed priest - scientists to counter the false assumption that science is a realm of atheism.
When others do it, it's called «militant atheism».
Back then, it concentrated on the plight of Christians in Eastern Europe - behind what was called the Iron Curtain, where a Soviet - dominated system, backed by torture and imprisonment in the Gulag forced - labour camps, imposed an official atheism.
After years of some respectful discussion and some not so respectful discussion she's come to what she also calls the inescapable conclusion of atheism as well.
«One day,» says Arele's Warsaw friend, Dr. Morris Feitelzohn, «all people will realize that there is not a single idea that can really be called true — that everything is a game — naturalism, religion, atheism, spiritualism, materialism, even suicide.»
Mod is an action by a person in an environment, depending on legality or hinduism, illegality by hindu atheism, criminal self center ism, it has nothing to do with environment at large, as it is used today to define matters, because actions of a person are subject to scrutiny individually, not collectively, bases for call to treat individual acts as individually not collectively.
Silverman, who regularly calls his group the «Marines of the Freethought Movement,» is not shy in making it clear that he views his goal in calling out religion and elevating atheism.
Twentieth century Protestant theology will discover such an atheism in every philosophical theology, but this is clearly a reaction to a uniquely modern philosophy, and a modern philosophy which is implicitly if not explicitly an apocalyptic philosophy, and is so in its very calling forth of a new totality.
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