Sentences with phrase «call barriers to entry»

Jim Keen: Yeah, and what you're describing is just one of the what I call barriers to entry.
Yeah, and what you're describing is just one of the what I call barriers to entry.
That and other changes have lowered what business experts would call the barriers to entry in the distillery field.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, the barrier to entry that telephone calling produced has been wiped away.
«Telephone surveys were the most popular way to do surveys, and there was a barrier to entry in the business, because you needed money and access to a call centre in order to do the work,» explains Nanos.
Michael Porter calls a company's barriers to entry a «sustainable competitive advantage.»
He also discussed on the call that the company is working on a logged - out homepage that will decrease barriers - to - entry for those without accounts.
In a June 2002 report mentioned earlier, Secretary Paige alarmed NCTAF, NCATE, the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, and others habituated to federal backing for the professionalism agenda with his call to raise the bar on teacher academic standards while lowering barriers to classroom entry by people without conventional pedagogical preparation.
In addition, he seeks out companies that have what he calls «economic moats» — high barriers to entry for a competitor that might wish to invade the market and erode profit margins.
Professor Michael Porter calls barriers to market entry that a business may have a «sustainable competitive advantage.»
President Trump has continually called out China for its high tariffs and barriers to entry.
The call for change is not simply for the benefit of the impoverished, but for an under served community of individuals, businesses and organizations unable to access legal services because of cost, inconvenience and barriers to entry,
Martin says that a major barrier to growth in Canada in the past has been what it calls CREA's anti-competitive attitude toward discount brokerages, particularly those promoting an «entry - only» MLS program, offering to place listings on the MLS system only, providing no other real estate services.
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