Sentences with phrase «call it what it is»

Instead of calling it Obama's war on whistleblowers, let's just call it what it is: Obama's war on journalism.
«There's a lot more that needs to be done before you can call what's going on there fully successful.»
«We don't really know enough about Arie to call what he's done abuse,» Masini told INSIDER.
Everyone calls what we are doing radical.
Their mindset on financial matters defies logic so I'm just going to call it what it is: magical thinking.
Let's call it what it is, they can't resist micromanaging.
Call it what it is without rationalizing or falling into victimization.
If that's the opinion of this article, then let's call it what it is: oil protectionism.
Let's call it what it is: the slo - mo collapse of the the euro currency union.
So maybe if the Wildrose likes to adopt the despicable strategies of the Hitler, maybe we should start calling them what they are.
Let's call them what they are.
Soccer, football, whatever, a sport is called what it's called.
Call them what they are - Extremist Christians, Extremist Muslims, Extremist and let's reserve the general names for the majority.
Well said, and sad that so many people on here are just ignorant to history and want to rant, call it what it is, spite at this story.
their is no way im going to be able to when an argument with some one determined on living a life of servitude so i just call you what you are a blind obedient slave.
I run a business, but I at least call it what it is.
Call it what it is... a cult.
Nevertheless, he did not shrink back from calling what she was doing «sin.»
Fishon, I'll call you what you are: you are a troll and a bully, and the RIGHT churches with absolute standards are full of bullies like you who are not content to follow your exacting standards in your churches; you are trying to make total strangers in the world at large subject through them in the secular courts and laws, flipping your middle fingers at the principle of constitutional separation of church and state.
Why not just call it what it is: love and justice and reconciliation?»
The pastor said he was peace maker... you do nt make peace with sin!!!!! You call it what it is... They say it was only a small ananoymous gourp!!!!!!! WHAT REALLY if that is the case then the pastor is more spineless than thought!!!
When you choose to make that assumption about me for believing in God I will confront your rhetoric and call it what it is.
Let's strip the realities of the facades and call them what they are.
show your true colors of hate... hate is a cancer it will consume you... let's call it what it is, Anti- Semitism.
God can not be fooled, He is calling us out of our fear and calling it what it is: a lack of trust.
Let's just call it what it is;
I've nothing against freedom of speech, religion, etc, but we should call them what they are.
Chomsky brings up the annihilation of the American indigenous population» are we to call what was done to them, in service of the foundational myth known as Manifest Destiny, something radically different from the logic of sacrificial violence?
Call yourselves what you are and stop trying to give a different impression than what you are.......anti - abortion.
This is striking because he calls what he is doing in that work «science» (episteme) and, according to his own Posterior analytics, a science ought to be so arranged.
I call it what it is.
When we are setting out to theologically define religions, we should call it what it is — a theological cult.
Except I would not call what you are doing abuse, I would call it unfriendly and not OK.
As Steve Martin once said to me, if we want to be gay, fine... just as long as we admit what we're «doing» is sin and don't call what we're «doing» Christian?
And as we lose a bit more of the secular culture each generation, we parse out the big historical picture of generationall failure to call it what it is and take responsibility to change our own church family culture.
Paul's point is that the law is used lawfully whenever behaviors that are «contrary to the teaching that conforms to the gospel» are called what they are.
no one is around to defend the religion so it becomes acceptable to call them what they were all along, a mythology.
We called what we were experiencing a sisterhood, a movement, we wanted to be part of the change that we saw all around us.
By all means, go ahead and meet that way if you choose, but be honest and call it what it is, a Christian club, not God's Ekklesia.
If the only concern is extending government provided / sanctioned benefits to gay couples, then just call it what it is — a civil union.
Once approval is given then indignation takes over when it is called what it is sin.
Thus, it is not enough to call what we are experiencing «rapid social change» or even «revolution,» since these phrases connote only social or political upheaval.
First of all we need to grow up and call it what it is, a fetus.
I will never consider it rude to state what the logical conclusion should be according to your attempted deduction, to demand a similarly logical deduction in support of any and all seriously made claims by others, to call out the bullshit when someone fails to do so, or to respond to people behaving like idiots, making idiotic statements or trying to argue without sufficient intellectual abilities, by calling them what they are: idiots.
Now he who gathers together and considers all these characteristics of the liberal ideal does not hesitate to call it what it was: a «religion.
At least NJ and California call it what it is; child abuse.
Such policies must be called what they are.
But the place to start is in calling it what it is when a youth pastor engages in sexual activity with a teenager in the youth group.
We are looking into calling them what they are on the label moving forward: cocoa extract.
This recipe is from my first cookbook called What's Cooking America.
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