Sentences with phrase «call to one's veterinarian»

A phone call to your veterinarian or email can save you from causing serious medical harm to your pets.
During this holiday season, if there is any uncertainty about an issue your pet is experiencing, a prompt call to your veterinarian is the best course of action.
Being alert and aware of how your dog acts and behaves and noting variations may at least prompt a telephone call to your veterinarian.
A phone call to your veterinarian, animal control, or local rescue shelter will get you a good recommendation.
Throughout the morning we made a series of phone calls to our veterinarian and as «XO» continued stretching and I asked, «Should we tube him?»
«Subtle changes such as weight loss, eating less, not greeting you at the door or peeing outside the litter box are significant with cats, and should prompt a call to your veterinarian,» he says.
The bottom line is that ANY concern about your pet's health warrants, at minimum, a call to your veterinarian.
An actual cough, however, is relatively rare in cats and warrants a call to your veterinarian for guidance.
Any time your pet is in pain or not feeling well warrants a call to your veterinarian.
If you notice any of these symptoms, a call to your veterinarian is warranted:
A body temperature below 100 F or above 103 F warrants a call to your veterinarian.
Even so, more than 24 hours of being lethargic or «depressed» warrants at least a phone call to your veterinarian to discuss your concerns.
This is why the first step to solving litter box problems is a call to your veterinarian.
With the exception of your pet rolling in something gross (which a quick bath should fix right up), a foul odor indicates infection or discomfort of some kind in your pet and warrants a call to your veterinarian.
If your cat is vomiting a lot, a call to your veterinarian is recommended.
Most of the management of this condition can be handled with home care, although a call to the veterinarian is recommended.
If your dog has chewed on or eaten any of these items, a call to the veterinarian is recommended, but a visit may not be required.
«Before you change,» says Nelson, «place a call to your veterinarian and say, «I'm thinking of doing this.
If a cat's behavior changes, and the owner feels there is any reason that the cat might in fact be hurting, a call to the veterinarian is in order.
Be prepared to make a phone call to your veterinarian, or a behaviorist to make sure that the pet's problem will not be insurmountable.
Single stings can be more bothersome than dangerous, but a call to a veterinarian or clinic can help determine the need for immediate care or a wait - and - see approach.
Now if you have even simple questions about the medication, it will require a phone call to your veterinarian.
Any ingestion of chocolate should warrant a call to your veterinarian, however.
Dr. Brummet says pets occasionally licking these substances from their paws is of little concern, but if they get into a large amount or start acting strangely, a call to your veterinarian is in order.
If your dog has a single seizure and then recovers normally, a phone call to your veterinarian to discuss a visit the following day is in order.
Finally, place a call to the veterinarian's office and ask three simple questions that will assess the practice's overall hamster acumen: 1) On average, how many hamsters are examined at the practice in a week?
A severe lameness and / or deep wounds with swelling, excessive heat or white / yellow discharge also warrants a call to your veterinarian.
Some blood - tinged urine is expected for the first few days, but obvious pain, straining or a lack of urination is not normal and should prompt a call to your veterinarian.
Rectal thermometer (use with lubricant such as K - Y ® jelly): the ideal temperature for cats and dogs is between 100 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit, below or above these temperatures warrants a call to your veterinarian
It can be very serious and should always warrant a call to your veterinarian.
The above guidelines are just that — guidelines — and any ingestion of any questionable substance should always be followed up with a phone call to your veterinarian or local emergency clinic.
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