Sentences with phrase «called human conditions»

Watch Dogs 2 had two expansions, one called Human Conditions, the other No Compromise.
Call it the human condition.
The Bible calls this human condition sin.

Not exact matches

I wouldn't call Spenser a greater poet, but he saw the human condition and our often - anguished journey toward God in a richer, more humane way than Milton did, who at the end of the day was more interested in ideas than people.
For Christians exile has been not only a condition forced upon a small group of people but a state into which everyone was called by God for their human maturation — a place of formation, where attitudes and motivations were molded by a community without earthly roots.
But if one day it becomes clear that this a priori does not exist at all, but was a historically conditioned and transient form of human self - expression, and if therefore man becomes radically religionless and I think that is already more or less the case (else how is it, for example, that this war, in contrast to all previous ones, is not calling forth any «religious» reaction?)
Certainly, similar to secular society the Church, too, rests on certain presuppositions which are not produced by the free decision of her members and their free association as such, but are the very conditions of her existence, namely human nature, the saving will of God, redemption through Jesus Christ, the general call of all men to the Church and the resulting «duty» to belong to her.
We can't sell even ourselves on God's participation in the cross of Christ by resorting to what Bonhoeffer called «clerical tricks» — stressing the wretchedness of the human condition so that people will be driven to resort to the church's theological nostrums.
The immediate environment presents the will with «occasions» calling for a human response (DN 36), and «without these conditions the will could not act at all» (FC 333).
Those who have made these observations but maintain a sense of humor about themselves and the human condition in general are more likely to call themselves agnostics.
One wonders how many novelists and, for that matter, how many sermonizers are prepared to confront in such detail this difficult fact about the human condition, that sooner or later most of us will be called on to give adults, to whom we are bound with the most powerful ties of love and respect, the services we associate with the care of an infant, with their sense of dignity, and our own, now and for all eternity, dependent on the delicate attention and sensitivity we bring to the task, even as they gaze upon us helpless and vulnerable.
This is of course part of a larger issue, which could be called the tragic dimension of the human condition.
Man is in reality, many persons now tell us, a biological species, with a superficial adaptation to those artificial conditions of life which we call civilization; but under his skin, and beneath the thin top level of his inquiring, aggressive, clever mind, he is still what he has always been — an acquisitive, competitive, power - seeking, warring beast, with which the divine Spirit must still «strive,» even as at the beginning of human history.
The initiative came out of a strategic directive adopted by the Association, which calls for «positively impacting the human condition,» and evidences a growing support for spiritual social action among the broader membership of Unity.
If this is what has been and is being created, we ask: What amid all the other processes going on in history is the one process that does this creating and will here be called the creativity in history, so called because it does progressively create the human level of existence when required conditions are present.
It was appropriate, then, for early 20th - century Social Gospel theologians like Walter Rauschenbusch to observe how prejudice and social discrimination are passed from one generation to the next, and it is consistent for theologians today to incorporate observations about social inheritance — what liberation theologians and feminist theologians call «social location» or «systemic evil» — into our understanding of the human condition.
The situation in America called out for his analysis of the human condition.
Now we must consider sin as a condition, the human tendency toward sinning that is traditionally called «original sin».
The most penetrating analysis of the human condition with the clearest call to repentance can be Interesting.
Upton Sinclair wrote a book called The Jungle, whose real impact lay not in its revelation of human greed but in its portrayal of the inhuman conditions in which sausages are made.
But it is a far cry from knowing something to acknowledging it, and the human race has been in the condition that psychologists call «denial» ever since the Fall.
When we humans were primitive thousands of years ago, we survived because nature provided us the basic conditions for life, that is called anthropic environment that until now sustained our existence, We as creatures never affect the environmental balance, but today because of many synthetic products our existence had endangered nature, that awareness developed a kind of concern for us to correct some of what we seemed us environmental abuse, That is the phiysical or material aspect of reality, in the spiritual part of our responsibility we also began to realize the meaninglessness of our existence without God, and for the atheists the reverse, Why do you think is the reason?
Indeed, I am inclined to think that the so - called punishment is not really a newly instituted condition that a willful God introduces against the human grain, but rather a making clear of just what it means to have chosen enlightenment and freedom, just what it means to be a rational being.
Thus that perception of external control which is so essential a feature in conversion might, in some cases at any rate, be interpreted as the orthodox interpret it: forces transcending the finite individual might impress him, on condition of his being what we may call a subliminal human specimen.
But it makes good logical sense to say that as elements of human knowledge, the so - called apriori truths are mere hypotheses about the universal conditions of existence.
As time goes buy the kind defenders of free will over their rejection to «dead» here and colossians 2:13 tend to resort to a familiar defense, that of labeling it a Calvinist viewpoint and that its almost a cultist view point to hold.Very sad yet very much the defense of many christians.Dead may i suggest is dead, the inability to respond, does not mean that prior to being saved one could not read scripture but because of this spiritual deadness its not profitabel / meaningful - we just can not continue to revise the meaning of dead to fit a view point - because natural man has not been born again this deadness (spiritually) shows itself as «none seek after God», in this condition they are» slaves to sin» and the spiritual things of God (the bible) is «folly / foolishness» even the gospel is judged by natural man as «folly / foolishness «(1 cor.1: 18) Please stop with this weak / common defense called Calvinism - many believers are truly turned off by such a defense.We must not forget the man's «free will» is what took the whole human race down in the garden; i would hope we can rise above our love affair with the human will.
In a general sense, one can speak of four areas of struggle: (i) the system of economic exploitation and social stratification (racial segregation, women's working conditions, unemployment and the new legislation of «flexibility and «deregulation); (ii) the ideology (the way of representing the world, social relations, etc.) that justifies the system — the new ideologies of race superiority, the religious legitimation of competition and the so - called free market as the only and sufficient way of organizing human life (iii) the ways in which the consciousness of the oppressed, is led to interject this ideology of domination and to develop a feeling of self - denial and self - devaluation; (iv) the atomization of the society through the weakening and destruction of neighborhood, workers and local cultural manifestations.
Yet if the Requiem can call large numbers of people, regardless of their religious views, to consider just for a second the human condition and what people have inflicted on one another, then I am truly happy to have «failed.»
The new study issued by the Catholic Theological Society of America calls people of all kinds and conditions to the difficult task of using their sexuality to be fully human.
Findings of the research, published April 22 in the journal Mucosal Immunology, reveal that a substance found in animal and human breast milk called epidermal growth factor, or EGF, blocks the activation of a protein responsible for unlocking the damaging immune cascade that culminates in NEC, a disease marked by the swift and irreversible death of intestinal tissue that remains one of the most - challenging - to - treat conditions.
Also at 12:30 p.m., human rights advocates hold a rally to denounce what they call the Obama administration's «attempt to minimize ongoing, widespread human trafficking and forced labor conditions in Malaysia» to advance the TPP free trade agreement, outside Malaysia consulate general, 313 E. 43rd St., Manhattan.
A statement spelling out the conditions of the Shiite movement and signed by Ibrahim Musa, President Forum of the Islamic movement said, «While the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) has called for the setting up of an impartial and independent Judicial Commission of Inquiry made up of independent persons and members of the international human rights community to unravel the circumstances that led to the pogrom in Zaria and its environs, it believes that the events of December 12, 2015 that led to the massacre of its members, the maiming of hundreds, the detention of its cadres and destruction of its properties are premeditated and that the Federal and Kaduna State Government are in a face saving measure regarding the gross human rights violations that it deliberately perpetrated.
But all belonged to what Sacks calls «an essential part of the human condition
The human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces molecules called phenazines that help it to cope with the oxygen - limited conditions within biofilms.
In humans, a comparison of bone marrow from 14 normal bone marrow donors, 35 multiple myeloma patients and 11 patients with a noncancerous condition called monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) showed that Runx2 levels were significantly higher in the multiple myeloma cells.
One gene, called ZNF659, showed over-methylation in people with schizophrenia and under - methylation in those who were bipolar, suggesting that the conditions might result from opposing gene activity (Human Molecular Genetics, DOI: 10.1093 / hmg / ddr416).
«DNA gets degrades very quickly in tropical climates, however we found that in the very dense inner ear bone, called the petrous bone, DNA is well preserved even under such adverse environmental conditions for thousands of years,» says Cosimo Posth, doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena.
Scientists say that horses affected by the disease — called equine grass sickness — could also hold clues to human conditions.
The new model allows researchers to run large - scale experiments in conditions that are much more like the actual places where the bacteria colonize, without requiring researchers to collect countless specimens of actual mucus, called sputum, from humans.
In a major breakthrough earlier this year, Kajimura's group showed for the first time that brown fat in adult humans consists primarily of so - called «beige fat,» which can transform from white to brown in cold conditions.
Peter Swan, retired from over 40 years building space systems and now serving as ISEC's vice president, calls a space elevator a way to «make the human condition better.»
The increasingly global nature of human society, with interdependent economies, international communications networks and intermingling cultures, has created, according to Gregory Stock, the conditions for the emergence of a new type of being — a social super-organism bound together by technology, which he calls Metaman.
Scientists have located two possible receptors for the so - called prion protein (PrP) believed to be at fault in fatal neurological conditions such as «mad cow disease,» Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease in humans, and scrapie in sheep.
Genetic studies in humans, zebrafish and mice have revealed how two different types of genetic variations team up to cause a rare condition called Hirschsprung's disease.
Again, this doesn't mean the fusiform gyrus isn't important — irregularities there have been linked to a condition called face blindness, which prevents humans from recognizing individuals — but it could mean that the human ability boils down to more than just some unique brain matter we've evolved to carry.
At certain times and under certain conditions, some dinoflagellate species and other algal species can undergo population explosions called blooms, sometimes in response to human - caused pollution.
We call a thing «good» because it promotes certain petty human conditions that we happen to like — whereas it is just as sensible to assume that all humanity is a noxious pest which should be eradicated like rats or gnats for the good of the planet or of the universe.
YOU NOTICE Flesh - colored, cauliflower - shaped bumps either in your vagina or on your vulva THEY»RE PROBABLY Genital warts — caused by certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV)-- but they could also be skin tags or a condition called molluscum contagiosum.
We call this, «Improving the human condition
The modern human diet of plentiful «healthy whole grains» but lacking in vegetables and fruit is highly acid - charged, inducing a condition called acidosis.
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