Sentences with phrase «called a named perils»

Renters insurance is generally on what's called a named perils basis.
Named Perils One of the types of insurance policies that you may encounter is called a named perils policy.

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Coming up with cute names to call your boyfriend may seem a fun and romantic task, but be warned: the road to the perfect pet name is fraught with peril.
These named perils, as they're called, are the things against which your personal property is protected.
HO - 1: This is called basic coverage as it only provides coverage for damage to your home and its contents against the following named perils:
That means that the policy covers losses resulting from certain causes of loss, also called renters insurance perils, that are named in the policy document.
Since they're named in the policy, this is called «coverage on a named perils basis».
Because they're named in the policy, this is called «coverage on a named perils basis.»
The next level, broad coverage, only covers you for specific threats that are listed in your insurance document (called «named perils»).
These named perils, as they're called, are the things against which your personal property is protected.
In the insurance industry, events that can lead to property damage are called «named perils
In the renters business, policies are written to cover what are called «named perils
That means that the policy covers losses resulting from certain causes of loss, also called renters insurance perils, that are named in the policy document.
Instead, you will probably have to purchase a rider or separate policy, called hazard insurance, which will cover the items or perils named in the policy.
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