Sentences with phrase «called aerosols change»

NASA's P - 3 research plane begins flights this month through both clouds and smoke over the South Atlantic Ocean to understand how tiny airborne particles called aerosols change the properties of clouds and how they influence the amount of incoming sunlight the clouds reflect or absorb.

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The effect also illustrates one proposal for so - called geoengineering — the deliberate, large - scale manipulation of the planetary environment — that would use various means to create such sulfuric acid aerosols in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and thereby hopefully forestall catastrophic climate change.
Results: Tiny bits of atmospheric dust and particles called aerosols may play a big role in global climate change, but just how big a role is not well understood.
Being no stranger to extreme lifestyle changes, I could have called it all off and gone back to my childhood diet of colored sugar water, aerosol «cheese,» and all things salty, oily, and crunchy.
The second study meanwhile looked at how aerosol emissions impact the Earth's temperature through a phenomenon the researchers call «transient climate sensitivity,» or how much of the Earth's temperature will change when the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reaches twice its level during the pre-industrial times.
This means that the «pause,» or whatever you want to call it, in the rise of global surface temperatures is even more significant than it is generally taken to be, because whatever is the reason behind it, it is not only acting to slow the rise from greenhouse gas emissions but also the added rise from changes in aerosol emissions.
«Reducing the wide range of uncertainty inherent in current model predictions of global climate change will require major advances in understanding and modeling of both (1) the factors that determine atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and aerosols, and (2) the so - called «feedbacks» that determine the sensitivity of the climate system to a prescribed increase in greenhouse gases.»
Shindell's paper further focuses on improving our understanding of how airborne particles, called aerosols, drive climate change in the Northern Hemisphere.
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