Sentences with phrase «called attribution»

But in fact the methodology that he's used to link the observed warming to increasing greenhouse gases, the so - called attribution step, is not nearly as robust as many other studies have undertaken over the last 10 years.
The latest in so - called attribution studies is to study each individual event by itself, looking for how climate change may have made it stronger or more likely.
This is what is called the attribution problem; that is, how much of these historical changes are attributable to human activity, versus natural variability?»
This is called attribution — the withdrawal is attributed back to you, the contributor.
The biggest thing to watch out for with spousal RRIFs is something called attribution.
This concept is called attribution.
The biggest thing to watch out for with spousal RRIFs is something called attribution.
We saw the rise of analytics packages and solutions, breaking down channel silos and marketers taking a more holistic approach to what's called attribution tracking — the process of assigning a specific value to a marketing action that results in a conversion.
Last year it launched a new service, called Attribution, that allows advertisers, brands and publishers to measure how their media spending translates into actual visits to retail locations.
Blair Symes is the Director of Content Marketing at DialogTech, the leading call attribution platform for marketers.
Chicago About Blog DialogTech provides marketers call tracking, call attribution and insights to improve customer journey optimization.
«Frustration and aggression increase in what (psychologists) call the attribution of blame.
(What you call attribution.)
Chicago About Blog DialogTech provides marketers call tracking, call attribution and insights to improve customer journey optimization.
Chicago About Blog DialogTech provides marketers call tracking, call attribution and insights to improve customer journey optimization.

Not exact matches

Attribution models have evolved from so - called «last touch attribution» to the point where you can tell if a particular ad campaign or content marketing approach is Attribution models have evolved from so - called «last touch attribution» to the point where you can tell if a particular ad campaign or content marketing approach is attribution» to the point where you can tell if a particular ad campaign or content marketing approach is resonating.
When we apply stereotypes or biases to large groups, it's called «ultimate attribution error,» and to combat it, the authors suggest taking an «implicit association test» (there's one available free through to measure your unconscious prejudices.
The space is new and is not technically called offline to offline, but the attribution model effectively does just that.
Carson didn't plagiarize in anything directly related to his campaign, but it was discovered last year that portions of his book America the Beautiful — which was published in 2012 and clearly designed as part of the retired neurosurgeon's entry into politics — were taken directly from other sources, including a website called, without consistent attribution.
Just like the scenarios outlined above, call tracking enhanced lead attribution capabilities empower agencies to show their clients which campaigns are driving valuable phone calls.
Secondly, spousal RRSP contributions can not be withdrawn for three calendars years from the year they were contributed or else the contributor will have to pay tax on the money (this is called the Three Year Attribution Rule).
But some attribution experts call the rush to attribute any cyberattack premature or even «irresponsible.»
We call ourselves «human beings» and give this designation such a hallowed attribution.
I should now be willing to suggest that it is a willingness to take the axiological feature as ultimately determinative for the attribution of divinity that characterizes all modern forms of so - called ethical theism and distinguishes them from the classical tradition.
It seems to me less arbitrary and more logical to go along with Jennings (quoted by Agar 1943, p. 153), who wrote after years of study on the behavior of amoebae: «I am thoroughly convinced, after long study of the behavior of this organism, that if Amoeba were a large animal, so as to come within the every day experience of human beings, its behavior would at once call forth the attribution to it of states of pleasure and pain, of hunger, desire, and the like, on precisely the same basis as we attribute these things to the dog.»
In recent years, a brand of research called «climate attribution science» has sprouted from this question, examining the impact of extreme events to determine how much — often in fractional terms — is related to human - induced climate change, and how much to natural variability (whether in climate patterns such as the El Niño / La Niña - Southern Oscillation, sea - surface temperatures, changes in incoming solar radiation, or a host of other possible factors).
The new research differs from other so - called extreme event attribution studies, not just in its broad - brush approach, but also in how the term «extreme» is defined.
What was clear, though, is that the fast - growing field of what is called extreme event attribution is gaining momentum.
In an influential article in October 2016, Thomas Rid, a prominent commentator on computer security, stated that this argument was the most important evidence in attribution of the DNC hack to Russia — it was what Rid called the «hackers» gravest mistake».
The study is the first to take so - called event attribution a step further to investigate how warming has increased the risks of flooding impacts, finding that it has likely put more properties at risk and raised the costs of such an event.
Under the new process, 50 % of a teacher's evaluation would be based on walk - through observations and the other 50 % would be based on so - called «shared - attribution measures» — i.e., a district - wide value - added measure of student growth, based on -LSB-...] More
Educators need to avoid committing what is called the fundamental attribution error, a mistake that many anti-bullying laws and policies make.
This is called income «attribution» and CRA says the rule is there to avoid people paying less taxes than they should.
The attribution analysis goes one step further by dividing the return of the covered call portfolio into four categories: market risk (S&P 500 and delta return), lottery risk (theta and gamma return), ex ante volatility risk (vega return), and other option risks.
When I called they told me that» since there are no spousal TFSA's, any or all withdrawals are the property of the TFSA account holder and thus no attribution if the funds are reinvested».
Shedding their last names from their attributions, they identify as what they call «Living Sculpture,» embodying art by molding their own routines and actions into an artistic practice.
Investigating the cause of 20th Century warming is done in so - called detection and attribution studies, which analyze the various forcings (e.g., solar variations, greenhouse gases or volcanic activity) and the observed time and space patterns of climate change in detail.
It is one event because we call it so, yet fractional attribution may be possible.
IPCC begins its attribution story with the Revelle factor, RF, also called the buffer factor, formulated by Revelle and Suess in 1957 on the threshold of the development of a surge in atmospheric CO2 by Revelle protégé Charles Keeling.
In a world looking for «wake - up calls» and «smoking guns,» how do scientists address the thorny issue of attribution?
Failure requires a root cause analysis, what the climate world calls «attribution
In the particular context of event attribution, we address the question of how to compare records between the so - called world as «it might have been been without anthropogenic forcings» and the «world that is».
But they've dutifully reported, say, Republican calls for investigations into the «suppression» without reporting the obvious problems with, um, dubious sources and lack of attribution of same (not to mention the motives and role of Competitive Enterprise Institute).
It's called «attribution» and diverse investigation into attribution is yet another sorely under - researched area of climate science as witnessed by the response to «the pause» — prior to its (the pause) recognition by mainstream climate science, consensus was that most warming circa late 20th C was anthropogenic.
Oh I see someone has already asked for Cosmic Rays... Another request is to answer the claim that there is no evidence that CO2 is causing the current warming, in other words a sum up of what I believe is called the «attribution problem».
However, calling it back radiation clarifies the attribution to greenhouse gases, and allows the separate consideration of the back radiation from various concentrations of different gasses.
In an influential article in October 2016, Thomas Rid, a prominent commentator on computer security, stated that this argument was the most important evidence in attribution of the DNC hack to Russia — it was what Rid called the «hackers» gravest mistake».
It is a useful diagnostic to determine whether a signal may be operating above so - called random values of chance but not sufficiently robust to provide attribution of cause.
It's called weather attribution.
Visitor Level Multi-touch Marketing Attribution for Forms, Call Tracking & Live Chat automatically integrated with your CRM & Analytics.
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