Sentences with phrase «called blastocyst»

The ball of cells (called a blastocyst) gets to the uterus about 3 — 4 days after fertilization.
At three to five days, the embryo develops into a ball of cells called a blastocyst.
Just before implantation in the uterus, the ball of cells, called a blastocyst, gains the capacity to generate all of the cell types of the subsequent adult — a feature called pluripotency.
EMBRYO, INTERRUPTED A 5 - day - old human embryo is usually composed of about 200 cells in a hollow ball configuration called a blastocyst (left).
Five days after fertilization, two distinct cell types are visible in the developing embryo, which is now called a blastocyst.
Advanced Cell Technology, based in Santa Monica California, is developing embryonic stem cell therapies for macular degeneration and other conditions using cells obtained non-destructively from an early embryo called a blastocyst.
In preimplantation diagnosis, eggs are fertilized in vitro and allowed to develop for five or six days to the so - called blastocyst stage.
This ball, called a blastocyst, has begun to produce the pregnancy hormone hCG, which tells your ovaries to stop releasing eggs.
After five or six days, the embryo is composed of a cluster of identical cells called a blastocyst.
Twenty percent of the cells cloned in this way grew into early embryos, called blastocysts, and 5 percent of them yielded embryonic stem cells, which is comparable with results obtained from unfertilized eggs.
Technically called blastocysts, these are the embryos that are not yet implanted in the uterus.

Not exact matches

The images depict what might be called embryology in flagrante: micrographs of sperm cells, trailing accordion - like pleats of white zags as they streak across a vast blue ocean of ooplasm; a multihued blastocyst in the process of hatching out of the egg's zona pellucida; and egg cells with a fringe of glowing, fate - determining proteins, looking a bit like a solar eclipse inside a cell.
The smaller eggs from overweight and obese women were less likely to reach a crucial stage of development called the «blastocyst», which occurs around five days after fertilisation when the embryo resembles a hollow ball of cells.
After the egg is fertilised, it divides until at about 7 days it forms a ball of around 200 cells called the «blastocyst».
By activating a gene called Ras in cells bathed in a very specific culture medium, scientists were able to cause embryonic stem cells — which originate from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst — to become more like the trophoblastic stem cells that give rise to the placenta from the outer portion of the blastocyst.
At the so - called «blastocyst stage,» when the embryo might be destroyed to derive embryonic stem cells, he or she is already a living, individuated organism.
Just wondering if anyone else caught the teenage mutant ninja turtles reference with blastocyst being called «caravaggio»
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