Sentences with phrase «called concupiscence»

He is without sin, it is true, and this includes all the effects of original sin that reverberate throughout our spiritual and physical being - often called concupiscence.
We suffer from what used to be called concupiscence or «disordered desire», an imbalance in all our desires, not least the experience of the erotic.

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It is this which would give what theology has called «immunity from concupiscence» in the state of original holiness and justice.
On the basis of such a hope the concupiscence of the flesh as thesource of the tendency toward an egoistic gratification is dominated»... [Spouses] «are also in their turn called, through the sacrament, to a life according to the Spirit.
How then, within a truly Christian understanding of marriage as a call of love and as a vocation to sanctity, should married persons treat the presence of concupiscence - that self - absorbed element present in their intimate union?
West's rapid passage from the call to freedom from the domination of concupiscence to the dispensing with a traditionally cautious approach to sexual matters is one that certainly needs review.
West chooses to reply to this point because he considers the issue of concupiscence «pivotal» and calls it, in fact, the «pearl» of John Paul ll's teaching.
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