Sentences with phrase «called fight or flight response»

These hormones regulate what is called our fight or flight response (basically our response to stress).

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The Valsalva maneuver leads to changes in blood pressure through «fight or flight» brain responses, which are controlled by a part of the nervous system called the «sympathetic» nervous system.
Cortisol is sometimes called the stress hormone because it's released in stressful situations as part of the flight - or - fight response.
Due to regularly over-exercising and under - nourishing, my body was releasing a hormone called cortisol (the «fight or flight» response to prolonged stress), which prompts the body to store fat and triggers a drop in metabolism.
In times of stress, the adrenal cortex in the the brain releases a hormone called cortisol, which is the one responsible for the «fight or flight» response.
The technique called «the fear tap» calms the fight - or - flight response, reduces irrational fear, and steadies your mind.
The fear signal then zips to an ancient part of your brain called the periaqueductal gray, responsible for the fight - or - flight response, and speeds on to the hypothalamus, which controls the classic bodily fear responses: thumping heart, skyrocketing blood pressure, and rapid breathing.
When we get stressed out, even if it's about something manageable like a tense conversation with a friend, the body reacts as though there were «real» physical danger — often called the «fight or flight» response.
These hormones are the major players in the physiological characteristics of the stress response, the so called «fight or flight» response.
When your brain senses this kind of situation, it sets off a chain of chemical reactions that protect your body from harm; this is called the stress response, or more commonly «fight or flight».
Like all restorative yoga, it dials down the sympathetic nervous system's fight - or - flight response (the hyperalert state we go into when stressed) and turns up the parasympathetic nervous system, sometimes called the «rest and digest» response, which supports digestion, relaxes muscles, lowers the heart rate, and promotes a good night's sleep.
The hormones produced by the adrenals control chemical reactions over large parts of our bodies, including something you might have heard of called our «fight - or - flight» response.
Commonly called the «fight or flight» response, this is...
They mean more energy and more blood and oxygen flowing to the large muscles of the trunk, arms, and legs, allowing the person to run from danger or do battle (the so - called «fight - or - flight» response).
So as you answer that phone call, or lean in for the first kiss, the heart and head plunge you into a state of hyper - vigilance, the flight - or - fight response keeps your body primed to respond to the perceived threat.
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