Sentences with phrase «called galactose»

Fermented dairy contains a sugar called galactose, which has been connected to certain ovarian cancers.
Unless you are bitten by a tick that set off a chain of reactions in the body, One of those reactions being the production of an allergic class of antibody that binds to a carbohydrate present on meat called galactose - alpha -1,3-galactose, also known as alpha - gal, I highly doubt your body refused to eat it, that was a personal choice, not biology.
Another problem with dairy is a substance called galactose: «Lactose and galactose (milk sugars) have been studied in relation to milk's purported effect on bone health.
Since the attachment of sialic acid to an Fc group requires the presence of another glycan called galactose, the team created two enzymes termed B4Fc and ST6Fc, which induce the attachment of galactose and sialic acid respectively.
But they believe that something in some ticks» saliva stimulates the human immune system to produce antibodies to a sugar present in mammalian meat, though not poultry and fish, called galactose - alpha -1,3-galactose (alpha - gal for short).
Your baby has a rare condition called galactosemia and can not tolerate the natural sugar, called galactose, in breast milk.
Galactosemia type II (also called galactokinase deficiency) and type III (also called galactose epimerase deficiency) cause different patterns of signs and symptoms.
Galactosemia is a disorder that affects how the body processes a simple sugar called galactose.

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To create the same reactive geometry in their model catalyst, Stack and his graduate student Yadong Wang designed a set of organic arms — one called a phenol, the other binaphthol — that would bind to the copper atom and mimic the role of galactose oxidase's key amino acids.
Taking a different approach, the researchers took a set of regulatory genes, called a GAL regulon, that normally processes galactose — a favorite on the yeast menu of nutrients — and replaced some of the genes with those that become activated by, and direct the breakdown of, xylose.
However, the researchers took a set of regulatory genes, called a GAL regulon that normally processes galactose and replaced some of the genes with those that become activated by and direct the breakdown of xylose.
Double sugars (called disaccharides) require splitting into the single sugars glucose, fructose or galactose by intestinal wall enzymes.
Simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, are glucose, fructose and galactose.
Lactose is a disaccharide made up of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of galactose linked by a bond called a glycosidic linkage.
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