Sentences with phrase «called into»

Why Tony is allowed to use his position of authority in the church to criticize the morality of others, but when his morality is called into question, he is allowed to use the exact same position of authority to silence any and all dissenters.
You called into question my honesty with no provocation.
The convenient and expedient thing to do in your situation (where your version of Christianity is called into question) is to cherry - pick those bible verses that suit your need.
Though many married couples who use artificial contraception, along with divorced and remarried Catholics and gays, continue to participate in the life of the church, the great discrepancy between Catholic teaching and Catholic practice has called into question the credibility of the hierarchical teaching office.
In extreme situations the meaning of a person life as a whole can be called into question.
Another element of it is the contemporary Zeitgeschichte which is accessible to us only through the very fauible and fuzzy tools of literary and archaeological history, aided but also called into question by the ancillary disciplines of linguistics, literary analysis, anthropology, etc..
Even the ethics of the book have been called into question.
When we walk through life with the a constant vision of the on high, Almighty, magnificent, splendid, and glorious God who has called us into the light we will not be able to stop the overflow.
The «grand narrative» implied by these assumptions is called into question.
And anyway, I think you missed the fact that there are quotation marks around the word «wrong» in the headline, thereby signaling that the whole notion of right or wrong kinds of Christianity is going to be called into question.
Though mentioning the book of Job, he fails to grasp the issue that arose in the Garden of Eden, when Satan (the «serpent») called into question God's right to rule or his right as sovereign of the universe, by posing this question to Eve: «Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?»
Pannenberg has not simply continued this tradition, however; he has also called it into question.
Sure is funny how Obama's Christianity can be called into doubt, but yet any talk of Romney's cult isn't fair game!!
Richard Bewes reflects on the Haringay crusade «It was a landmark time in my life and for a number who were called into ministry at that time.»
People, I think that arromadazda said it, the whole notion of right and wrong kinds of Christianity is called into question.
But the ability to yell at your wife, kick the dog and drive over the speed limit is not called into question.
His «Credo of the People of God» reaffirmed traditional beliefs that were being called into question in some theological circles.
Using true history as a parody, the Gospel writers called into question all the central beliefs and practices of Roman life and worship.
God will withhold work from one He has called into ministry as a test to the layman.
The evidence in support of Johannine authorship is overwhelming... it was only called into question in the 20th century with modern theological liberalism.
The skyrocketing intermarriage rate that came to the fore in the 1970s and 1980s and recognized by the 1990 National Jewish Population Survey called into question the legitimacy of peoplehood as a communal rallying cry.
While the Christ who lies upon our horizon no longer appears in his traditional form — indeed, he may never again appear in a form that is in continuity with his previous expressions — as Christians we are called into union with his presence among us even when that presence would seem to negate all that faith once knew as the Word.
When particular elements in the traditional teaching about the nature of things have been challenged by demonstrable scientific findings, the whole structure of religious dogma has been called into question.
They have fought advances of thought, they have tried to defeat the efforts of men and women to know more about the world, they have denied the validity of scientific truth, they have called into question the freedom and responsibility, as well as the dignity, of human life.
Washington and Wall Street need to be called into account prophetically the same way every member in our churches do.
At the time, CEO Howard Schultz wrote: «We are living in an unprecedented time, one in which we are witness to the conscience of our country, and the promise of the American Dream, being called into question.
Every structure of secular life both present and to come is called into question by hope, because this is the anticipation of what is not in our power, and the historical and social act of hope is realized in this calling into question, though not entirely.
Exodus is already called into severe question.
Suppose you are called into court and plead with the judge for pardon.
«This is part of the bulls ** t that really pushes people away when you have a particular conviction, and all of a sudden your faithfulness to Jesus is called into question.
My own inclination is to say that genuine historical existence, understood as relation with the Other, is possible only when all ideologies, including religious ideologies, are called into question.
Abraham and Sarah are called into a new future.
Only a year later, she and her husband were called into the front lines of the First World War, and she plunged into the horrors of war.
Bultmann called into question not only what could be said about the Trinity, but developed an entire system in which history's effects on doctrine must be overcome so that the Christian message might be meaningful for the concrete individual of the historical present.
When theology faces off against the account of the world set forth by evolutionary biology, God's goodness and power and God's plans for the future seem to be called into question with new force.
The Reformation had called into question the place of art in sacred spaces, and the political and ecclesiastical future of the region was up for grabs.
This is the great goal for which we human beings have been called into existence.
My professor called me into her office.
But pastoral care is the ministry of the whole congregation — not just those individuals who happen to be ordained or called into the formal leadership of the church.
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
So when encountering a religious person who is smarter than they are, the whole stereotype crumbles, and the whole «Being an atheist means I'm smart» schtick is called into question.
Not to mention every verse in the Bible that asserts that God is in control of the universe, that he is the one who is responsible for unbelief as well as belief, that he created both good AND EVIL, would be wrong, meaning the Bible would be fallible, meaning that the validity of everything else inside it would be called into question as well.
The easy assumption that one's own provincial commitments are the standard by which everyone's values should be judged is called into question.
God «Himself called into being the substance of His creation» (2.10:4).
(2) Can these presuppositions be called into question?
The player is called into play by a potential co-player and / or play object, and while at play, treats other players and / or «playthings» as personal, creating with them a community that can be characterized by «I - Thou» rather than «1 - It» relationships.
He knew that the wretchedness of Judah had reached such desperate proportions that a holy God must act, that the very depth of the lowliness of his people called into question God's honor.
Thus the work of Werner Jaeger on Aristotle or that of Hans Vaihinger and Norman Kemp Smith on Kant has been called into question.
We are called into being by God, who loves diverse human identities back into community.
Oh my goodness, I was called into the «office» many a time.
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