Sentences with phrase «called microtubules»

The cytoskeleton undergirding in each cell includes an array of tubule - shaped protein fibers called microtubules.
The team was amazed to find a consistent association, throughout cells: the location of PTEN proteins closely coincided with the presence of tiny highways called microtubules that crisscross throughout every cell (image below).
Tubulin proteins form hollow tubes inside cells called microtubules that provide cytoskeletal structure and also act as a highway system for cellular traffic.
Inside cells there are tiny motor engines that ride on thin rods called microtubules.
Each neuron contains hundreds of long, cylindrical protein structures, called microtubules, that serve as scaffolding.
Instead of rigid bones, axons are built around structural elements, mostly bundles of filaments called microtubules.
Professor Rob Cross, Professor of Mechanochemical Cell Biology at Warwick Medical School, said: «Every cell in our bodies contains a railway network, a system of tiny tracks called microtubules that run between important destinations inside the cell and allow cargo to be carried from one place to another.
Every cell in our bodies contains a railway network, a system of tiny tracks called microtubules that run between important destinations inside the cell and allow cargo to be carried from one place to another, reports Professor Rob Cross, Professor of Mechanochemical Cell Biology at Warwick Medical School.
All this requires a bridge - like protein structure called the kinetochore that maintains the proper force or tension, like bridge cables stabilizing the chromosomes as they interact with spindle filaments called microtubules.
The mitotic spindle is composed of thread - like proteins, called microtubules, which extend from one of two spindle poles on either side of the cell to the duplicated chromosomes in the cell's center.
If you imagine the female egg cell (and later, the fertilized egg) as a spherical planet with its own intrinsic biological geography, then certain characteristics of that cell — the location of protein molecules or RNA messages or biochemical traits like pH or even the internal connective structures called microtubules — will be more prominent in certain regions, like one hemisphere as opposed to the other, or near the surface rather than near the core.
Normally, tau proteins help to stabilize the hollow tubes called microtubules that help give cells their shape.
«Sensitive teeth are caused by the movement of fluid in tiny holes in dentine called microtubules, which puts pressure on the nerve below,» says Nigel Hughes, one of the researchers at Unilever.
The team found changes in a gene encoding a previously unknown «dynein,» a protein that moves like a railroad locomotive along cytoskeletal fibers called microtubules, hauling other molecules as cargo.
Stuart Hameroff, an anesthesiologist who has spent many years studying brain functions, has collaborated with renowned Oxford University polymath Roger Penrose on a model that explains consciousness as the result of quantum processes occurring in tiny structures called microtubules in brain cells.
Dr Stan Burgess, at the University of Leeds» School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, who led the research team, said: «Dynein has two identical motors tied together and it moves along a molecular track called a microtubule.
When cells divide, a molecular motor called the microtubule spindle helps segregate chromosomes into the resulting daughter cells.
The neurofibrillary tangles found in Alzheimer's disease consist primarily of a protein called tau, which forms part of a structure called a microtubule.

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After entering axons through activated TRPV4 channels, calcium ions appear to disrupt the microtubule cytoskeleton by inhibiting a microtubule - stabilizing protein called STOP.
Using this biologically accurate model of how dynein moves the microtubules within the axoneme, Ingber and Reilly created a short film called «The Beginning,» which draws parallels between sperm swimming toward an egg and spaceships flying toward a planet in space, giving an artistic bent to a scientific topic.
The axoneme's movement is accomplished via rows of motor proteins called dyneins that are attached along the microtubules and exert force on them so the microtubules «slide» past each other, which then causes the entire axoneme and sperm tail to bend and move.
The protein assembly line consists of microtubules that serve as train tracks on which the raw materials — including messenger RNA (mRNA)-- are carried to the protein - making machinery, called ribosomes.
Microtubules, hollow fibers of tubulin protein only a few nanometers in diameter, form the cytoskeletons of living cells and play a crucial role in cell division (mitosis) through their ability to undergo rapid growth and shrinkage, a property called «dynamic instability.»
His latest findings suggest microtubules have interesting conductive properties, but indicate they could also be what are called «memristors.»
The researchers used their SDC - PAINT method to visualize the network of cytoskeletal microtubule filaments (green) and their proximity with two additional proteins called TOM20 (red) and HSP60 (blue).
A team of researchers led by Alipasha Vaziri, an associate professor and head of the Rockefeller's Laboratory of Neurotechnology and Biophysics, has found that a molecular motor, called Kinesin - 14, helps to guide the formation of a new microtubule along an existing one, and so directs the formation of bundles.
Responsible for the assembly of microtubules in a cell, a protein called tau plays a large role in the structure of the neurons, as well as their function.
As a result, the motor protein draws the minus ends of microtubules together, creating star - like clusters called asters.
Professor Cross said: «It has been known for some time that a team of proteins called TOGs sits on the tip of the growing microtubule track and works like a team of tiny railway workers to rapidly lay the new microtubule track.
Kiyomitsu's latest work focuses on the next step of mitosis, called anaphase, when the microtubules tear the paired chromosomes apart so that one copy of each chromosome ends up in each of the new daughter cells.
There, Roll - Mecak discovered a novel microtubule - severing enzyme called spastin.
A protein called katanin drives this mechanism, which it achieves by redirecting microtubule growth in response to blue light.
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