Sentences with phrase «called neurotic»

I got a bit agitated about being called neurotic — ah, the irony — so I did a bit of research to see if I fitted the bill.
I got a bit agitated about being called neurotic — ah, the irony — so I did a bit of research to see if I -LSB-...]
Pathological skin picking (also called neurotic excoriation, psychogenic excoriation, and dermatotillomania) is similar.
So - called neurotic persons seek to resolve conflicts between two sides of their needs (e.g., dependency and autonomy) by ignoring one side and exaggerating the other.
You see, I'm what some people might call a neurotic, Type A personality.
«Sea of Love» is what you might call a neurotic and erotic thriller, dealing as it does with one of the most terrifying settings imaginable: the New York City singles scene.

Not exact matches

He did, however, apply that term to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, calling her a «neurotic dope» on Twitter in September 2016.
Neurotic guilt often calls for counseling skills to resolve the hidden conflict at its roots.
Borderland insanity, crankiness, insane temperament, loss of mental balance, psychopathic degeneration (to use a few of the many synonyms by which it has been called), has certain peculiarities and liabilities which, when combined with a superior quality of intellect in an individual, make it more probable that he will make his mark and affect his age, than if his temperament were less neurotic.
To illustrate, some people (called «psychoneurotics» in traditional psychiatric nomenclature) are tyrannized by cruel superegos (hairshirt consciences), which produce neurotic guilt and anxiety.
He is calling for the very opposite of a neurotic distortion of reality.
«Babies won't wait» is wise advice, but some mothers experience the call to create not as an external obligation, a neurotic need to churn out proof of their continued existence, but as an inner imperative.
I am what you would call a bit of a neurotic mom.
One commentator called the church's argument that it might be forced to perform same - sex religious marriages «fanciful and neurotic».
With content on Mindset & Wellness, a shopping portal called Holistic Living, and a video series where neurotic meets mommy called #MOMTALK.
He entertains her neurotic wee - AM phone calls.
And to call Blanchett simply another «neurotic» Woody Allen character is a disservice to how brutally collapsed she is emotionally and psychically.
It's been downloaded over a quarter of a million times, has a Metacritic rating of 86 and features a neurotic talking yellow line called Lionel.
As Freud said of the neurotic, I would say of these artists that their art gives us insight into so - called normal psychology.
The New York Post called the act «a monstrosity», «a wretched repudiation of democratic principles,» while The Nation accused Democratic liberals of a «neurotic, election - year anxiety to escape the charge of being «soft on Communism» even at the expense of sacrificing constitutional rights.»
Even before he formally announced his candidacy, opened his Houston office, or had a pollster in place, Cruz had a London - based firm on call to tell him which Iowans were introverted and which were neurotic.
Some psychologists prefer to call neuroticism by the term emotional stability to differentiate it from the term neurotic in a career test.
Panic, phobias, conversions, obsessions, compulsions and depressions (analysts call these «neurotic symptoms») are not usually caused by deficits in functions.
-- Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966 Marriage (partnership): that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who... Read More
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