Sentences with phrase «called on believers»

Jesus called on believers to take responsibility for taking care of the orphans, widows, and the poor; he never once asked the Romans or the Hebrew king to take care of anyone.
Second, Christ called on believers (not government) to support the poor.
Two black Christian academics — Anthony Bradley and George Yancey — also called on believers to distance themselves from the movement.
Pastor Ross Smith of Celebration Church talks about the #Jesus4NZ rally, calling on believers to come together to pray for our nation at Parliament on Tuesday 30 January, 12 pm - 1:30 pm.
When Dubose refers to «universiality,» he is referring to the universal mission call on all believers and churches.

Not exact matches

Musk, 46, has built up a showman's reputation as the founder and chief executive officer of Tesla (tsla), calling on true believers to help him overcome the «haters» who question his company's ability to usher in an electric - vehicle age on an ambitious timetable.
When the totality of facts are taken into account, «miracles» turn out to be nothing more than believers who are desperate for some sign of my existence ignoring the downside of a set of facts, focusing solely on the upside and calling the quarantined «good» a miracle from me or one of the other sky - fairies.
A Christian debt charity has called believers and wider society to think of others on the most notorious... More
A Christian debt charity has called believers and wider society to think of others on the most notorious shopping day of the year.
So we're calling all believers, in London especially, to come together for a time of unified prayer on Thursday 19th March in Parliament Square.
But there are signs that God is leading believers to live out their calling on the stage, in front of a camera or behind a microphone.
But wondering if that would work out they decided to push on churches to spread and depute pastors to travel to those countries for preaching and converting masses to bring those countries in to division among them selves for easier penetration in the name of saving Christian believers or generate hate and fights among them as with the operation that Egypt recently had and accused Muslims for it just to bring Egypt in to division for in the end to call for separation of the country in to more than one as one Islamic and one Christian just as being planed for Sudan North and South!?
Out of all the postings on this site today, I found «Derp's «post the most fascinating and informative, as well as deeply revealing.Even after boasting of what seems to be a practically perfect live by any measure, he informs us that he takes pleasure in mocking and ridiculing those of faith who are presumably his opposite; I can only wonder if, given all his supposed accomplishments, he is smart enough to realize how deeply revealing of his true character his remarks are.As a believer, I rarely engage in arguments with my atheist friends, and like to think I wouldn't lower myself to the level of juvenile name - calling and personal attacks against whatever my atheist friends hold dear.Most of the time we simply agree to disagree; when they hold forth with misinformation or ignorance on their assumed «knowledge «of my faith, I try to gently correct them; I certainly don't allow any disagreements we have to devolve into hateful insults and name - calling.
I now believe it does a tremendous disservice to honorable people who are faithful believers to place on them the additional burden of guilt, shame and magnified suffering that comes from the kind of doctrine that promotes (sells) prayer as a magic talisman which will somehow change God's mind, alter physical circumstance, and fix intractable problems — if only the one praying has enough faith or asks in the right way or lives a holy enough life or professes Jesus enough or waits patiently or never gives up or any of a hundred different gotchas that can be called upon to justify the lack of an affirmative answer.
You believers are all full of fire and brimstone when you are preaching to the choir, but when a real non believer heretic is in your grill calling you out on your sky fairy myth, all I get is nothing but crickets.
Faith has be some been called the hand or instrument by which believers lay hold on and receive Christ.
For instance, most atheists don't come on here to call believers idiots (well not most and not at first anyways), it's to get into some healthy debate and expand our knowledge as well as hear a differing side.
The letter complains that the SBC's «call for «an army of believers to converge on Chicago»... evokes images of a crusade.»
The devil has blinded the leaders of the churches of today when they serve carved images of the flag of any nation... In Exodus and Deuteronomy God said, not to serve or bow down to any carved image in the likeness of heaven above or in the likeness of the earth below... When you pledge your allegiance to the flag, you are pledging your allegiance to the carved images of the flag... The founding fathers made carved images in the likeness of heaven above and in the likeness of the earth below and set the carved images on a flag and the flag is high and lifted up on a flag pole... Some nations are serving the stars, the moon, and the sun, and others are serving the eagle, the bear, and the tree... The U.S. is serving the stars of heaven and the eagle of the earth... Canada is serving the leaf of a tree... Mexico is serving the eagle and the serpent... When you put your right hand to your heart or to your forehead, and pledge your allegiance to the flag, you are committing fornication with the carved images of the flag, God calls this IDOLATRY... The mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead is spiritual and identical to when you put your right hand over your heart or over your forehead... There is no way to go around God and the carved images of the flag, unless the devil has blinded the minds of the believer, like when he deceived eve and Adam in the garden of Eden.
Instead it will be because I don't want to be bullied and called and idiot, a moron, believer in fairy tails or delusional on the CNN belief blog by other atheists.
He believes that British believers have much to teach their American cousins and calls on us... More
sorry got a little off track we as believers are screwwing up big time we are using His word, Big and HUGE uncool thing, we are still normal, we all fall short of the glory of God, So because of this deception or lack of the proper teaching of the way of the cross we have a huge on set of actual so called Christians that cant even get along, and tell me this dosent exist in the muslim home or what ever cult mindset you are following and that includes the Christian church if they are more consirned with getting you in and keeping you there then setting you FREE!
The linchpin of Professor Rawls» criticism of the «rationalist believers» was his claim that they deny what he called «the fact of reasonable pluralism,» namely, in circumstances of political and religious freedom it is to be expected that there will emerge serious differences of opinion among reasonable people on important moral and theological questions.
Christian leaders in Kenya have called for their Muslim counterparts to do more to stop attacks on believers... More
This one is worth making room on your DVR for, as watching The Chi will likely inspire believers to ask what each of us can do for the least of these living within miles of the churches we call home.
Christian leaders in Kenya have called for their Muslim counterparts to do more to stop attacks on believers in the country.
We should be with other believers and assembling with them (as Heb 10:25 calls us to), but this does not only occur in a brick building on the corner Sunday mornings from 10:30 - 12:00.
I think it's possible that soul sleep may have existed pre-Christ, at least for the believers, but that's just a theory based on Saul's experience with the resurrected Samuel («Why did you call me from my sleep?»
In a plant like ours, we are small and simply don't have enough mass yet to do very many things, and so I have been doing some teaching on the universal body of believers, which is call «Big C Church,» and how we can be involved in other churches in town to get what we ourselves can not offer.
Btw, since you yourself accused Christians of commiting violence against you and yours, to the extent that you had to move, then i must call FAIL on your statement, using the same requirements the atheists use in arguing with believers; either prove it or you lose.
On the other hand, so - called «Christians» have certainly gone out of their way to try to prevent believers of other religious traditions from practicing their faith — by trying to impose their particular brands of «Christianity» onto all others under the law.
If a believer holds to the Nicene Creed, we should not call them a heretic, no matter how strongly we believe they are in error on the details or on other non-essential doctrines.
Regarding religion staying in its domain, my observation is that many believers often call on science, or perceived weaknesses in science, to support their particular beliefs about things science touches on.
Believers might be a high on the credulous end, but calling them idiots?
He warns of the real danger of dialogue leading to the dilution of confessional standards, leveling out all genuine differences, doctrinal minimalism, or what he calls common denominator ecumenicity, all of which have resulted in darkening the light of truth such that «believers do not even know at what points they are really one, to say nothing of the points on which they are divided.»
So, to me, the Thief on the Cross, who called out to a dying Jesus, is a believer, and I will meet him in heaven.
Some lying idiots say so called atheists know more about the Bible than believers... that sure isn't evidenced on these blogs.
An Iraqi archbishop has urged believers to join him in protest outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Saturday, calling on the UK government to do more to stop the persecution of Christians in Iraq.
Based on this understanding, Paul goes on in Romans 8 to call believers who have received the Spirit of God to live according to the Spirit, and not according to the old man, the corrupted flesh.
This call for obedience in turn generates a masculinelike initiative taking and self - reliance on the part of the believer.
I guess calling Christians out on their nonsense would seem like whining to a gullible believer.
My closing appeal is for believers to steward the gospel with excellence by showing the world the power of Christ through the solid interpersonal relationships of the ethnically, culturally, and generationally diverse Body He called to live on mission together.
But, so far as I can see, the only claims that Paul makes about any distinctiveness or originality concern (1) his conviction that he was specially called by God to conduct a mission to gentiles, and (2) his view of the terms on which gentiles were to be received as full co-religionists with Jewish believers (baptism / faith in Jesus without taking on Jewish observance of Torah).
I may be willing to call religious believers less evolved than some non-believers (only a small and more rational subset and with a rather questionable assumption on the direction of evolution), but even that would be within limits.
Southern Baptists adopted a resolution this morning encouraging fellow believers to offer «care, compassion, and the gospel» to refugees, while at the same time calling on the American government to «implement the strictest security measures possible in the refugee screening and selection process.»
It can be hard to manage that when you have other children, but I am a strong believer that if there is ever a time in your life to call in favours and ask for help, or splurge on paid help, it's when you have a new baby!
In a release signed the Public Relations Officers of the group, Mumuni Believer Likpalmor called on the Disciplinary Committee of the umbrella family to probe extensively into the case and sanction any culprit according to the code and ethics depicted in the party's constitution.
[See dazzling aurora images] CMEs and other solar activity are currently in the news because some believers in the so - called Mayan Apocalypse think that sun activity is set to destroy or damage Earth on Dec. 21.
I am a firm believer that your eyebrows completely frame your face, so when I'm putting on makeup, my brows are now my first point of call.
I'm a big believer on using what you have — a lot of people call this «shop your house».
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