Sentences with phrase «called sacraments»

Though I will speak later about some of the seven canonical sacraments in the Roman tradition, the analysis applies to sacraments that occur in any Christian tradition (even when not called sacraments, and that includes some items in the Catholic repertory too.).
Recovery of the sense of God's action in other «commonly called sacraments» is essential.
The spoken word - like Baptism and Eucharist - is said to have a sacramental quality; the church itself is called a sacrament of the kingdom.
What we call church and what we call the explicit and official history of salvation, and hence also what we call the sacraments, are only especially prominent, historically manifest and clearly tangible events in a history of salvation which is identical with the life of man as a whole.

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But, as Cardinal Dulles argued, to bar a priest from publicly celebrating the Mass and administering the sacraments is to rob him of his sacred calling, his lifelong identity, his good reputation, and his sole means of support — effectively a death penalty.
With communities usually called evangelical, Kasper notes, there is agreement on «fundamental dogmatic questions» along with continuing divergence on ecclesiology, sacraments, and ministry.
Jesus» act of washing the disciples» feet has been called «the sacrament that almost made it.»
There is also a Sacrament of Healing we call the «Anointing of the Sick».
The straight - talking American prelate lamented the fact that while the Second Vatican Council had «called for a renewal of the sacrament of penance», what emerged «sadly, in many places, was the disappearance of the sacrament».
It is called the last supper, communion, the eucharist, a sacrament.
The effect of Jesus» call was not to make Andrew, Peter, James, and John full - time Christian workers, nor was it to make daily work a sacrament.
Reconciliation, once called «confession» or «penance,» is an important part of the ministry of the sacraments.
On this Sunday, the Sacrament - what Mormons call the remembrance of the Last Supper and what other Christians call Communion - is said in French, a nod to the area's burgeoning West African population.
She condemns the ideology of what she calls «the nuclear family» (that is a wife and husband who have received the sacrament of matrimony and have children) claiming that it is, in some way, «a defence of capitalism».
Now, Jesus did submit to the sacrament of water baptism (what Quakers call «John's baptism»), but is never recorded as baptizing with water.
Someone has called masturbation the ultimate sacrament of loneliness.
Providing basic catechesis Leonard creates a simple introduction to the main points of Catholic teaching on the Sacraments, prayer, personal holiness and the call to evangelise those around us, with a bit of salvation history thrown in too.
The modernist — the extreme modernist, infidel in all but name — need not be called a fool or hypocrite because he obstinately retains, even in the midst of his intellectual atheism, the language, rites, sacraments, and story of the Christians.
We would not require an exhaustive knowledge of the New Testament to call to mind occasions in which we see Christ communicating the mystery through deeds and words in ways which remind us immediately of the sacraments.
The greater church confirmed that inward call when I was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament.
This would involve many of the usual religious activities that a pastor provides: religious worship services, administration of the sacraments, individual pastoral calls, religious study, and discussion groups.
I've known I've been called to ministry since I was a child and played pastor with my stuffed animals by giving them pieces of bread and grape juice enacting the Sacrament.
In contrast, traditional Catholic churches serve vast numbers of people who have little or nothing in common, and they are often impersonal «supermarkets for the sacraments,» as some liberation theologians call them.
... Calling upon the state to protect our sacrament is an act of extreme unfaithfulness.
We have no more knowledge about the so - called rebirth, the new birth out of Water and Spirit which is the sacramental baptism (please consider that also Protestants believe in sacraments; I am a Lutheran).
It is in this context that William Beardslee has called Jesus, as the Christ, an objectification, embodiment, or incarnation (I would say «sacrament») of a proposition that God is making to history.
As business / charitable activities has led me into relationships with the Eastern Orthodox Church, Father P ***, Bish S **** introduced as Father («call no man father») as well as church leaders I see very ill informed laiety (some exceptions), with a biblical worldview supplanted by a cultural denominational world view.The concept of Grace is overwhelmed by works, sacraments, membership.
We call the Lord's Supper a sacrament.
I have no specific call to order my day and night, at least no call in the sense of an ecclesiastical call to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament.
It is the call to become a Minister of Word and Sacrament.
He was not prepared for the ministry and was not called, so the Plymouth Colony got along without the sacraments for four years before an ordained clergyman arrived.
So the Church was founded, the Bible was given, Baptism and the Lord's Supper — the sacraments — were offered, all that men might respond to God's call.
(CNN)- Pope Francis called an Argentine woman married to a divorced man and reportedly told her that she could receive the sacrament of Communion, according to the woman's husband, in an apparent contradiction of Catholic law.
The bible does not mention sacraments, and Mary called God «her Savior».
She can not take the sacrament (known in many Christian churches as Communion), receive a calling to serve the church or give talks in the church.
That ministry is a group of persons who have exhibited «gifts and graces» for this special ministry, either by formal study or other evidence that they are fit and, therefore, specially called into the ministry of word, sacrament, and order.
The argument of this chapter is that the extraordinary labors to which Christ calls his church today may well be the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism and the Supper, joined to the bold proclamation of his sovereignty over all the powers that threaten the welfare of humankind.
my belief system calls for me to use marijuana as a sacrament.
The report called the churches to begin the evangelization of the world at the level of local congregations, in the local and ecumenical dimension of its life: worship, sacrament, preaching, teaching, healing, fellowship and service, witnessing in life and in death.70
What were called by Père de Caussade «the sacraments of the present moment» will be our most effective way of encountering God.
Benedict XVI echoes the positive call of the Church to both the married and the unmarried: «Have great respect for the institution of the sacrament of Matrimony.
On the basis of such a hope the concupiscence of the flesh as thesource of the tendency toward an egoistic gratification is dominated»... [Spouses] «are also in their turn called, through the sacrament, to a life according to the Spirit.
What I learned later was that they were also trailblazers, women who were clearly gifted and called by God into ministry, but who had to fight (gently and patiently, as it turned out) for the chance to serve the church — as women — as Ministers of Word and Sacrament.
You need to know the power of His forgiveness and mercy in your own life before you can forgive others — but if you do forgive, then you are truly a sign and expression of Christ's love for His Church and you are truly Christ to your spouse, which is what He intended when He called you to the great Sacrament and mission of marriage.
Many times since, the Pope has repeated his call for all of us to rediscover the transforming power of frequenting the sacrament of mercy on a regular basis.
Just as the state is called by God to an irrevocable task of doing public justice, so also is the institutional church called by God to proclaim the Gospel in its fullness, administer the sacraments and to ensure that its members are living up to their calling before the face of God, who has redeemed them in Jesus Christ.
In the Athanasian Creed, that ancient canticle of Christian faith still found in the service books of many Christian communions, there is a fine statement which gives the proper setting for any discussion of Christian worship and, a fortiori, for a discussion of the central act of Christian worship, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the Holy Communion, the Divine Mysteries, the Liturgy, the Mass — call it what you will.
The result is that religion becomes a defense against God or, at least, a defense against a deeply intimate experince of God that challenges us to become what we are — image bears of God, called to become sacraments of Divine Love in this world, not just waiting for God to «come down» and do the transforming work FOR us instead of THROUGH us.
The manner of it becomes dearer when we consider the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist (the Holy Communion or Lord's Supper, or, as it is called in some Western churches, the Mass).
St. Francis can speak of it as a sacrament «of evil».49 Yet he does not call upon all men to give up their possessions.
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