Sentences with phrase «called superposition»

Another quantum effect, called superposition, means that each electron takes both paths at once.
States that are mutually exclusive in classical physics can exist simultaneously in the weird world of quantum mechanics — a situation called a superposition.
This fragile state, in which the particle can possess multiple contradictory attributes, is called a superposition.
As a result, the BEC enters a so - called superposition, meaning the matter wave is simultaneously there and not there.
Quantum computing takes advantage of a phenomenon called superposition, which means that the bits, in this case called qubits, can be 0 and 1 at the same time.
In the quantum world, particles like photons spend most of their time in a bizarre condition called a superposition, meaning the particles exist in several possible states at once.
It's called superposition in quantum mechanics.

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A quantum computer instead uses quantum bits — called qubits — which are atomic - scale structures that, through a phenomenon known as «superposition,» can be both zero and one at the same time.
For nearly a century, physicists have explained the peculiarities of their quantum properties — such as wave - particle duality and indeterminism — by invoking an entity called the wave function, which exists in a superposition of all possible states at once right up until someone observes it, at which point it is said to «collapse» into a single state.
In quantum computing, programmers execute a series of operations, called gates, to flip qubits (represented by black horizontal lines), entangle them to link their properties, or put them in a superposition, representing 0 and 1 simultaneously.
Unlike standard bits, which represent either 0 or 1, qubits can indicate a combination of the two, using what's called quantum superposition.
There is a principle in polymer chemistry called the «time - temperature superposition,» which says that fibres with low glass transition temperatures will also cope well with sudden dynamic loads — such as those that a parachute rope is subject to.»
Ultracold atoms in the so - called optical lattices, that are generated by crosswise superposition of laser beams, have been proven to be one of the most promising tools for simulating and understanding the behaviour of many - body systems such as solid crystals — for example with respect to their electric or magnetic properties.
The larger the object, the easier it is to destroy the quantum properties of a superposition of allowed quantum states — a phenomenon called «decoherence.»
Contrary to conventional light switches that can be either turned on or turned off, the laws of quantum physics allow a qubit to assume any combination of these states, which is called quantum superposition.
Physicists call this state superposition.
In fact, superposition is one of two basic properties of subatomic particles that researchers hope to utilize in building a quantum computer, with the other being quantum «entanglement,» which Albert Einstein once derisively called «spooky action at a distance.»
An exciting experiment, recently proposed (so - called scaled - up superposition), would furnish the most powerful evidence to date that the biocentric view of the world is correct at the level of living organisms.
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