Sentences with phrase «called synaptic»

This is called synaptic plasticity and means the brain continues to form new neural connections throughout life.
In particular, he has focused on a phenomenon called synaptic homeostasis, which is a way that neuronal circuits maintain activity within a set range to ensure stable and reliable communication.
They appear to provide direct evidence of the so - called synaptic homeostasis hypothesis.
Electron microscopy had also given researchers a glimpse of the tiny bubble - like containers called synaptic vesicles that hold thousands of molecules of neuro - transmitter close to the pre-synaptic membrane.
There, it fuses with the membrane, creating a conduit for the release of the neurotransmitters into the so - called synaptic cleft between nerve cells.
NMDA receptors are known to be involved in weakening or strengthening synapses in neural connections, changes that are called synaptic plasticity, and in memory formation.
Moser demonstrated a number of changes in the strength of connections between nerve cells — a phenomenon called synaptic plasticity — in the hippocampus as rats stored information in their long - term memory.
The slight gap between two nerve cells is called a synaptic cleft.
«Throughout your brain there is a collection of synapses separated by empty space called the synaptic cleft.
It'll be headed to Asian markets next quarter, but the real showstopper here is that scanner, called the Synaptics Clear ID in - display optical fingerprint sensor, also known as the FS9500, which is positioned between the display glass and OLED panel.
HP calls the Synaptics glass - covered touchpad an «Imagepad,» and it's rather large, with the same wide aspect ratio as the display.

Not exact matches

In a developing fetus, she surmised, those phone calls would reach groups of nerve cells in the LGN; as their synaptic connections with the retinal neurons strengthened, the LGN neurons would begin forming «area codes» of their own.
However, the neuron actually collects its many synaptic incoming signals through several extremely long ramified «arms» only, called dendritic trees.
It may be that what we call our self, or the «I» in our perception of self, is made not of patterns of electrochemical synaptic logic (neurons chattering) but rather the aggregate experience of the mass of glial cells, each one contributing its particle of consciousness to the whole.
A potential bridge is a process called long - term potentiation (LTP), a type of synaptic strengthening that has been scrutinized in slices of rodent hippocampus and is widely considered a likely physiological basis for memory.
They used a somewhat bizarre technique in which two mice were sutured together in such as way that they shared a circulatory system (known as parabiosis), and found old mice joined to their youthful counterparts showed changes in gene activity in a brain region called the hippocampus as well as increased neural connections and enhanced «synaptic plasticity» — a mechanism believed to underlie learning and memory in which the strength of neural connections change in response to experience.
The results showed that two variations of a protein called Unc13 work separately to regulate synaptic transmission.
Long - term memories likely form when selective alterations in synaptic connections occur within patterns of neurons called neuronal ensembles.
After conducting studies in both humans and mice, the researchers said this new schizophrenia risk gene, called C4, appears to be involved in eliminating the connections between neurons — a process called «synaptic pruning,» which, in humans, happens naturally in the teen years.
He discovered the synaptic gap between neurons and identified a cell type, later called Golgi cells, that connects many neurons together.
Indeed, when the researchers knocked out the gene for one synaptic protein, called SAPAP3, in mice they noticed something odd: After a few months, the animals developed lesions on their heads and necks.
We now know that each quantum, consisting of a collection of around 5000 transmitter molecules, is contained in a little round organelle in the presynaptic terminal that Sanford Palay and George Palade had earlier discovered and called the «synaptic vesicl.e» Neurotransmitter is released from these synaptic vesicles to the outside of the neuron in response to the influx of Ca2 + into the presynaptic terminal.
The FlyEM reconstruction process handles large - scale volumes through a technique called focused proofreading, leveraging synaptic connectivity as a prior for semi-automated tracing while embracing crowd - sourcing.
While neurotransmitters are created in the interior of the cell, they are pumped, in large quantity, into synaptic vesicles tucked into the wall of a nerve cell's so - called «terminal,» the launch pad from which chemical messages are released from the cell.
The women's immune systems — in mounting a response against the synaptic receptors present in the ovarian growths — inadvertently attacked a receptor in the brain called N - methyl - D - aspartate receptor, or NMDAR.
Based upon activity in multiple CNS toxicity assays, we identified an exceptionally potent, orally active, neurotrophic molecule called J147 that facilitates memory in normal rodents, and prevents the loss of synaptic proteins and cognitive decline when administered to three - month - old APP / swePS1ΔE9 mice for seven months [7].
This is called homeostasis, and I've been studying that along with the synaptic plasticity associated with learning and memory.
By the 1980s, it was well established that nerve cells communicate through the process of chemical synaptic transmission at specialized contacts called synapses.
They want to know if zapping a person in the neck will stimulate what the DOD calls «synaptic plasticity.»
Studies show that nitric oxide signaling and the blood flow increases it stimulates play a central role in nerve cell maintenance, growth and repair.,, Most pertinent to anyone looking to enhance their aptitude for learning, nitric oxide - induced blood flow also makes forming new memories physically possible as it plays a key role in what neurologists call long - term potentiation, a process required for assembling and reinforcing new synaptic connections throughout the entire cerebral cortex, striatum, and hippocampus.
Most pertinent to anyone looking to enhance their aptitude for learning, nitric oxide - induced blood flow also makes forming new memories physically possible as it plays a key role in what neurologists call long - term potentiation, a process required for assembling and reinforcing new synaptic connections throughout the entire cerebral cortex, striatum
You can think of dogs as having two noses — the 300 million olfactory receptors and their Jacobson's organ — and this Synaptic Smelling System (my phrase, trademark pending) allows trained dogs to detect odors called volatile organic compounds.
Earlier this week, Synaptics announced that it was working on a similar technology called ClearForce, which will enable a smartphone to offer various functionality based on the force applied on the display.
The Synaptics sensor is called Natural ID FS9100 and can remain beneath the glass of devices, such as smartphones or tabs.
Synaptics, a touchscreen solution provider for many popular handsets, was showing off a concept tablet called Sensa at CES 2013 to show how super-skinny bezels can introduce stray...
The press release says Synaptics is already mass - producing the component, called Clear ID ™ FS9500, with a top five smartphone manufacturer.
Synaptics announced that it'll showcase the technology called Clear ID FS9500 in January at CES 2018.
Synaptics calls its solution Clear ID, and Vivo has been a prominent public advocate for in - screen fingerprint recognition dating back to the summer when the phone maker previewed the technology.
This unique window of opportunity with the synaptic process in the brain has been researched and given a name: it is called the process of memory reconsolidation.
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