Sentences with phrase «called tight junction»

However, the team was able to show that so - called tight junction proteins, which are known to be important for the blood - brain barrier permeability, did undergo structural changes and had altered levels of expression in the absence of bacteria.
Blood vessels in the retina are closely connected by structures called tight junctions, which are part of the blood - retinal barrier, a virtually impenetrable wall.
The outer layers of intestinal cells (epithelial) are connected by structures called tight junctions.
Pathogens, and the toxins they produce, damage cells in your gut and open the spaces between them, which are called the tight junctions.
Barriers called tight junctions guard the pathways between intestinal epithelial cells.
These cells are cemented together with proteins called tight junctions, which form a protective barrier that ensures that everything you eat is properly processed by the enterocyte cells cells in a way that your body can handle without getting sick.

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The team also discovered that these cells manufacture proteins, which act as a temporary glue that binds the cells together in what are called «tight junctions».
These spaces between your gut's outermost cells are called intestinal tight junctions, and they act as the safeguard between your intestines and your bloodstream.
A protein called zonulin is responsible for induction of tolerance and orchestration of immune responses by modulating intercellular tight junctions in the gastrointestinal epithelium in a rapid, reversible, and reproducible fashion (Fasano, 2011).
Tight junctions, regulated by a molecule called zonulin, as well as by conformational changes in the proteins occludin and claudin, are dynamic intercellular structures that modulate the trafficking or passage of macromolecules from the intestinal lumen to the submucosa and into systemic circulation (Fasano, 2012).
The drawstrings (red lines) of the tight junction are called Actomyosin.
When the BBB is inflamed, the tight junctions open and produce a condition called increased BBB permeability or increasingly referred to as «leaky brain» (not the same as leaky brain syndrome).
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