Sentences with phrase «called upon»

If you have not repented then you are in error (in spite of all your accusations) If you have repented and have called upon the Almighty God to save you and cleanse you from your sin, Then what is the purpose of these letters (unless you want to pass judgment on those that do not believe like you).
There are limits to human potential, and persons are called upon to acknowledge their creaturely status.
Erik Erikson's description of Luther captures several elements in the lives of the «more unique»: «An individual is called upon (called by whom only the theologians claim to know, and by what only bad psychologists) to lift his individual patienthood to the level of a universal one and to try to solve for all what he could not solve for himself alone» (Young Man Luther [Norton, 1958] p. 67).
In the nineteenth century, the Indian «Tribals», such as the Malayarayans and Pulayas of Kerala, were called upon to face radical change.
We are not called upon to discard completely the important salvation history themes of the Old Testament, but the church in America may find some other viewpoints more helpful in the challenges of world poverty.
A Christian politician has called upon the British Medical Association (BMA) not to back a motion supporting the decriminalisation of abortion up to 24 weeks this week.
Such individuals can expect that at some future time they in their turn will be called upon to do the believing for others during the others» times of darkness or indecision, for «the bearing of burdens» goes both ways.
It is Mankind as a whole, collective humanity, which is called upon to perform the definitive act whereby the total force of terrestrial evolution will be released and flourish; an act in which the full consciousness of each individual man will be sustained by that of every other man, not only the living but the dead.
This post is the conclusion to the series on Giving up our Rights in which we have looked at some of the rights we think we deserve, and have seen that as followers of Jesus, we may be called upon to give up these rights for the sake of the gospel.
This film reminds us that we are called upon to love those who are hurting even when they threaten to hurt themselves or others, and we are asked to offer support to the beleaguered parents who often become isolated from others through the actions of their children.
Warning that millions of people already in debt are being left with «nothing to fall back on», Dr John Sentamu called upon minister to reduce the time period.
«As Christians we remember of course how our Lord called upon us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute, but for those confronted with such hatred and oppression I can only begin to imagine how incredibly hard it must be to follow Christ's example.»
I was called upon to wonder when the well - meaning camp director's wife who knew parts of my family asked where I stood in relation to the brother who'd died, she had heard.
So one «sings the Lord's song in a strange land,» but one is not called upon to sing a solo.
The church might be called upon, in his famous phrase, «to fall into the spokes of the wheel» to bring the machinery of Nazism to a stop.
The New Orleans convention called upon the seminary's Board of Control to deal punitively with the president.
During past eras, the institution had priority over the individual; and for the sake of the institution the individual was called upon to sacrifice.
Archbishop of Canterbury Rt Rev Justin Welby has called upon people to pray for people around the globe who have been forced to leave their homes.
Earlier this year, in the encyclical Redemptoris Missio, Pope John Paul II called upon the nations of the world to «Open the door to Christ.»
«I have called upon you to be born again, to be born of the spirit.
Notice she is not called upon to defend herself, nor does anyone come to defend her.
Every time I prayed aloud in that place I was reminded that this was possibly the first time the name of Jesus had ever even been mentioned there, let alone called upon, and that was an immense privilege.
With this in mind, Wilson responds more concretely to a recent editorial in which a prominent newspaper editor called upon his fellow Catholics to «just leave» the Church if they find themselves in disagreement with its teachings.
The pastor from time to time will be called upon to give one kind of spiritual counsel to the gluttonous and another kind to the abstemious.11
Admittedly 64 year - olds won't be called upon first, but why not deny citizenship to them?
Also while in leadership I've been called upon to watch others.
In the last church I attended, I was called upon to preach from time to time and I found it very difficult because the education gap in our church was so wide.
The Christian today is called upon to say No to God because God himself has ceased to be present in history.
Given how brutally she was being treated at home, it's amazing how well Patty functioned outside it, when called upon to act.
I mean, if god wants him to live he wouldn't have given him cancer in the first place but lets just say he contr.acted can.cer on his own but was called upon god to do these good dee.ds but needed more time, now what if the only way he could was from stem cell res.earch?
God is called upon not as a unilateral superpower but as a relational force, not an omnipotent creator from nothing, imposing order upon chaos, but the lure to a self - organizing complexity, creating out of the chaos.59
Everyone participates in some way in the political, economic, and familial systems of society and is called upon to contribute to each of them in the service of others.
If, as the Barthians would have it, the world is void of God's presence and activity apart from the gospel, it follows that Christians are called upon to fill the void.
He is called upon to set a seal on anything we choose to believe.
In the Old Testament and the New Testament, since they didn't have the Bible, a prophet would often be called upon to give a prophecy about the future, or perform some sign or miracle in order to prove that they were truly from God.
I have never found myself called upon to «cure» anyone.»
One particular night, I was called upon to be a «tiger slayer».
We are not called upon to claim that our Christianity.
Just as science must constantly revise its models so as to surmount the deficiencies of its abstract (usually mathematical) models of nature, so also religions are called upon continually to revise their enigmatic representations of cosmic significance in keeping with primary perceptions intuition of an ongoing cosmic adventure.
Thus, when militant rabbis called upon soldiers to disobey orders to withdraw from Gaza, he reminded the public that undermining legitimate authority caused greater harm than the worst possible consequences of evacuation.
Dying alone, «He thought of the missionaries» god, that god of healing and forgiving, and with failing breath he called upon his name.»
Or are we not rather called upon simply to relativize the cognitive prowess of physical science?
That is why philosophy nurtured within the Universitas is called upon... «to link theology, philosophy and science between them in full respect -LSB-...] of their reciprocal autonomy, but also in the awareness of the intrinsic unity that holds them together.»
God can be called upon to assure happiness and to resolve crises.
People in the congregation who have had similar experiences may be called upon to help people through the process of making a difficult decision or surviving a crisis.
It is of course possible that the coming of the Baptist and his preaching gave him the initial stimulus as one of the signs of the time which he called upon his hearers to observe (Luke 12.54 - 56).
Paul called upon his hearer to die and rise with Christ.
And we are also called upon to carry their viewpoints on the environment to other partners -LRB-...) and to defend these points of view.
The prophet, in consequence, feels himself called upon by means of the speech of invective to interpret and direct, to point and apply the word of judgment, the revealed Word of Yahweh.
All of the GOP candidates claim they were called upon by god to run.
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