Sentences with phrase «called vasopressin»

Comparing urine levels of oxytocin and a related hormone called vasopressin in biological and adoptive children who lived in Russian and Romanian orphanages, researchers found that oxytocin rose in biological children after having contact with their mothers.
Diabetes insipidus is characterized by a deficiency or inadequate response to a hormone called vasopressin.
So it releases stuff like rennin, aldosterone, and another one called vasopressin and your body even releases extra albumin in your blood and when this happens, your plasma volume expands and even though, while your exercising short term, especially for like an aerobic session, your plasma volume decreases by 10 - 20 % by the time your body has bounced back and responded a single bout of intense exercise, especially like a long or hard session, can expand your plasma volume or your plasma fluid by 10 %.
Firstly, it stops the brain releasing an important chemical, called vasopressin, which normally regulates the amount of water in your body.
But, when Oxytocin goes away in a man, a new bonding chemical called Vasopressin kicks in.
The difference is a protein called the vasopressin receptor, which is ample in the prairie vole but not in the meadow vole.

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The origin of long - lasting relationships in many species seems to be a receptor for the hormone vasopressin, the so - called V1a receptor (V1aR).
At the same time, your kidneys pump up their production of an enzyme called «renin» and a hormone called «aldosterone», which results in formation of a substance known as vasopressin.
This theory says that, crucially, high testosterone not only drives sex, it suppresses two other significant hormones called oxyctocin (aka the «love hormone») and arginine vasopressin, both of which play an important role in forging attachment between mates.
Crucially, testosterone suppresses two other significant hormones called oxytocin (aka the «love hormone») and arginine vasopressin, both of which play an important role in forging attachment between mates.
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