Sentences with phrase «calling cara»

With this new feature, which Casetext is calling CARA Notifications, Casetext monitors all the PACER dockets in which an attorney has active matters.
The new research tool being unveiled in a limited rollout today is called CARA, short for Case Analysis Research Assistant.

Not exact matches

While dissidents within the Church may try to use this year's low numbers in New York to bolster their calls for women's ordination and a removal of the celibacy requirement for priests, the latest data from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) reveals that ordination rates to the priesthood are at a 20 year high.
CARA FURIO: Beneficial bacteria actually goes into the gut of a baby and helps develop what we call gut health or intestinal or digestive health.
CARA FURIO: This is really cool and I did some excess reading on that last night I mean I've heard of what's called seeding but I didn't know all of the little tidbits or a lot of the facts about it and what that is when a baby doesn't come through the birth canal.
CARA FURIO: When a baby is born around term the white substance on a baby is called Vernix.
But several other recent decisions by CARA have been allowed to stand, and these call into question the integrity and legitimacy of that office as it is presently constituted.
Casetext is calling this new feature CARA Brief Finder.
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