Sentences with phrase «calling forth true»

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Out of all the postings on this site today, I found «Derp's «post the most fascinating and informative, as well as deeply revealing.Even after boasting of what seems to be a practically perfect live by any measure, he informs us that he takes pleasure in mocking and ridiculing those of faith who are presumably his opposite; I can only wonder if, given all his supposed accomplishments, he is smart enough to realize how deeply revealing of his true character his remarks are.As a believer, I rarely engage in arguments with my atheist friends, and like to think I wouldn't lower myself to the level of juvenile name - calling and personal attacks against whatever my atheist friends hold dear.Most of the time we simply agree to disagree; when they hold forth with misinformation or ignorance on their assumed «knowledge «of my faith, I try to gently correct them; I certainly don't allow any disagreements we have to devolve into hateful insults and name - calling.
Combining the beauty of what he calls the «true gospel» with a biblical orthodoxy that will inescapably mark Christians as «strange,» Moore holds forth on the charged issues defining the 21st century.
The Coens» True Grit makes some necessary room for the heroism the west really did call forth, but is otherwise all about revealing the «nasty and brutish» features of the truly wild west.»
They call the kind of time that brought forth the Barmen Declaration a status confessionis, a «confessional situation,» in which the church, in order to be true to itself and its message, must distinguish as clearly as possible between truth and error.
Another way to say this is: around our friends, our true self is called forth.
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