Sentences with phrase «callowness of»

But the films he has been most handsomely rewarded for, critically as well as commercially, have tended to be the ones that put on display the callowness of violent adolescents of all ages, such as Mean Streets (1973), Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980), GoodFellas (1990), and Cape Fear (1991).

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Callowness is easy to accept when it's teemed with the expectation of getting better results in the future.
And its visual correlative — stark black enamel stripes arranged in a predetermined symmetrical pattern — is the work of a precocious smart aleck (whose youthful callowness is also on display in the title of the 1958 Black Painting, «Arbeit Macht Frei») demonstrating the true condition of the art form.
Salvation from institutional callowness and complicity comes from the confluence of the artists» absolute integrity and the deeply researched historical interests through which they, and the museum, remain insulated from the grasp of the marketplace.
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