Sentences with phrase «calls for vengeance»

The prophet Joel, probably writing during the miserable humiliations of the Persian period, left a book containing some of the most bloodthirsty passages in the Old Testament, calling for vengeance and inciting to battle.

Not exact matches

Moreover, the blood of Jesus called down upon the Jewish people in Matthew 27:25 is not the blood of Abel which cries out for vengeance and punishment, but rather the Blood of the New Covenant which heals and brings reconciliation.
Vengeance and retaliation could be outwardly administered; penal justice could be roughly managed by legality; but the more magnanimity was called for, the more inward quality was indispensable, until at last the Bible faced man with an ideal that put upon him a profound demand for interior regeneration — «Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and railing, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, even as God also in Christ forgave you.»
Microsoft's online storefront adds new content for latest Call of Duty game; Backbreaker Vengeance, new Half - Minute Hero, and Galaga Legions DX hit XBLA tomorrow; Games on Demand adds three.
Good movies not to make this list... The Professional, Brooklyn's Finest, Cop Land (mostly Jersey, but cops and couple scenes New York), Money Train, Taking Pelham 123, Juice, Get Rich or Die Trying, Margin Call, WallStreet: Money Never Sleeps, Smoke, Die Hard: With a Vengeance, New Jack City, Clockers, Searching for Bobby Fischer
Shorty's present - day narrative switches back and forth with an historical plotline set in the eighteenth century, when Touissant l'Ouverture, a former slave, led Haiti in the fight for freedom, calling for justice, not vengeance, in the struggle to emancipate the slaves.
10th July 2013 - The latest DLC map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, titled Vengeance, has been out on the Xbox 360 for a little bit now.
Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger, a downloadable Wild West tale of vengeance, half truths and staring down some of the most ornery varmints to have ever lived, has been dated for May 22nd on PSN, XBLA and PC.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Vengeance delivers four new, diverse multiplayer maps starting with «Cove,» where the stage is set for all - out conflict on this small, forgotten island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, with players battling it out amongst the wreckage of a jet that crash - landed during a smuggling operation gone wrong.
The E3 CG Trailer is called Gravewalker and showcases protagonist Talion on his quest for vengeance... Read More
The third DLC map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, dubbed «Vengeance,» is set for July 2, and here's a trailer to tease your trigger finger.
Vengeance contains four new multiplayer maps for Call of Duty fans.
This past week Activision released «Vengeance», its third set of downloadable content (DLC) for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
For those of you without a seasons pass, Vengeance will cost you the standard Call of Duty DLC rate of 1200 Microsoft Points.
Vengeance is pretty standard Call of Duty DLC in terms of what you get for the price point.
The other day Madfinger Games, developers of the awesome action game Samurai II: Vengeance, announced their upcoming title for dual and quad - core Android devices called Shadowgun.
Activision have released a new trailer for their upcoming Vengeance DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
These kissing cousins, either from a lack of distinguishable genetic diversity or calculated vengeance, seem incapable of comprehending the vast scientific consensus calling for drastic action on climate change.
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