Sentences with phrase «calls in a progressive way»

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Another way progressive employers are making life easier for their call - centre workers is by investing in technology that can improve the experience of both the call - centre worker and the consumer.
The way I see it — the terrorists who kill are perpetrating a killing which itself is in response to a much larger killing that is being perpetrated by civilized, clean - shaven, so - called progressive westerners like yourself.
Dimitri Cavalli, source of many WWAI items over the past few years and author of the Washington Examiner story from which these quotes are taken, explains the change this way: Back then, Lynn was defending progressive causes, but now that «the so - called Religious Right has eclipsed the influence of the Religious Left in American public life,» it's time to shut down religious influence.
Now, after the Council, the so - called progressives have no right at all to treat their «conservative» brothers und sisters in the same way as they themselves, rightly or wrongly, thought they had been treated by their so - called opponents before the Council.
The Democratic governor used his 12 - minute speech at a Harlem fundraiser for Mayer to call for Democratic unity, pointing the finger at the Senate GOP for standing in the way of progressive policy issues that fell out of state budget negotiations.
The Center for Progressive Governance (CenProG) received the announcement of the nomination of Martin Alamisi Amidu as Special Prosecutor with utmost shock and will like to call on Parliament to reject the president's nominee because he is too bitter, vengeful and does not in any way reflect the independence of the office he will be holding in the event parliament approves his nomination.
By the way, progressive socialists are now joining forces with «Islamic socialists», Code Pink (who are now calling for the murder of our soldiers), liberal democrats (some of whom are now supporting Code Pink and now the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt), and others to tear down our capitalistic democratic way of life.
It surprising then, given the way you and the other CAGW Alarmists and Progressives are continually name calling (e.g. «Deniers») and abusing people that don't accept your beliefs, there are so many «Progressives» involved in teaching.
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