Sentences with phrase «calls upon mankind»

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Indeed, I tend to play melodies that regard show the hugeness of God, His open arms to all mankind, his love without any conditions, the giving of eternal life to anyone that calls upon him, and his willingness to tolerate all forms of religion... even my own.
Only a peace, it is perfectly clear, which will allow, express and correspond to what I have called the vital in - folding of Mankind upon itself.
God loves mankind and offers salvation from sin and spiritual death to all who call upon Him.
It is Mankind as a whole, collective humanity, which is called upon to perform the definitive act whereby the total force of terrestrial evolution will be released and flourish; an act in which the full consciousness of each individual man will be sustained by that of every other man, not only the living but the dead.
How easy it is to forget that we are the result of the collaborative work of a relational Being who in the beginning said, «Let Us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,» and who looked upon that creation and called it good.
Griffin therefore focuses his attention upon what we have called the christological aim, although he generalizes it beyond the scope of mankind: «In actualizing God's particular aims for him, Jesus expressed God's general - aim for his entire creation.»
I mean if God did well enough to see fit to install this perfect plan called salvation before the foundation of man, that who so ever believes that Jesus took not only one for the team or mankind but all of the sins of mankind upon Himself, that in this gift provides freedom liberty and justification?
Thus, when we pray «Thy kingdom come,» we call upon God to assist in our effort to bring the state of mankind into conformity with the divine will.
For if it be true that at this moment Mankind is embarking upon what I have called its «phase of planetization», then everything is clarified, everything in our field of vision acquires a new sharpness of outline.
But when you experience the new birth, and have your eyes opend to what Jesus was really trying to bring mankind, you'll find this precious thing called the Kingdom of King (the rule and reign of God upon men's heart)... Not religion!!
Are you saying that Christians, who believe that Jesus was born of a virgin mother, turned water into wine, multiplied a few fishes to feed thousands, brought forth Lazarus from the tomb, walked on water, commanded the sea, took upon himself the punishment for the sins of all mankind, was crucified yet overcame death three days later to walk among his disciples showing them His resurrected body, and yet Christians can not accept that God has worked wonders in our day by calling latter - day prophets who testify of the reality of Jesus?
The book called the «Bible» is the most violent ever written, many killers including «Hitler» have been under the brainwashing of this book & have used its commands to practice its evil upon mankind.
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