Sentences with phrase «calluses hands»

A weathered brown - skinned man with sheep balm on his jeans and a cigarette in his callused hand.
According to Driscoll, «Jesus was not a long - haired... effeminate - looking dude,» but rather an «ultimate fighter» with «callused hands and big biceps.»
Finally one of the oldest members of the congregation, a red - clay farmer of modest education, stood up, gripped the pew in front of him with his large, callused hands, and said, «I «speck what Sam says ain't completely true, but if it is true, we're in the right place here in church.
The combination of comfort and ease on large industrial machines, along with the finesse and patience required with timeless hand tools, creates the callused hands, dusty clothes and sawdust - covered floors proving their passion for creation and their persistence for excellence.
A man of incredibly hard, callused hands and a soft, gentle h...
A man of incredibly hard, callused hands and a soft, gentle heart....

Not exact matches

«I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day.
Jesus called four callus - handed fishermen to be his disciples, goes the argument; therefore, work is what fits persons for the kingdom of God.
I sat here the entire time with my hand over my mouth, in shock that a father could be so callus and cold.
Unlike the stained glass Good Shepherd, their skin was brown and weathered, their eyes bloodshot from the Arizona sun, and their hands callused and cracked.
The real Jesus had dirt underneath his fingernails and calluses on his hands.
Those hands have something Daly's hands haven't had in years: calluses.
You'll notice my hands have no calluses.
Congregants clapped politely, if warily, as if their hands were a tad callused from the parade of politicians.
«I watched a small man with thick calluses on both his hands work 15 and 16 hours a day,» Cuomo told the crowd.
Over time, the shuto, or knife - edge of the hand, develops a callus that acts exactly like a car bumper, absorbing and diffusing the force of a collision.
Agricultural workers, whose hands are often heavily callused or full of sores, as well as masonry workers or bricklayers, who handle heavy rough materials all day long, are two groups that often have the most difficulty in providing a clear fingerprint.
However, if you always lift with gloves, you won't grow calluses and lifting bare hands will be painful.
This stress adaptation response can be compared to getting a sun tan or developing calluses on your hands.
Cold bars at 7 AM and calluses on my hands were convincing me to buy something to protect my soft skin.
thanks for your motivation My girlfriend start blaming you because of calluses on my hands haha
First use a callus stone to scrape away the really hard parts and then cream or oil your hands to hydrate the skin afterwards.
Using free weights is great but maybe you need a better grip if you are lifting heavy, also some bars can take a toll on your hands and using gloves just makes for a better workout without leaving your hands with calluses.
The double layer design of the palm, in addition to the reversed top grain leather maximize the gloves» durability and protect the hands against calluses.
What is it: Calluses are a skin build - up on the hands and feet from running or gripping a bar, dumbbell or kettlebell while doing repetitious movements.
I personally covet my calluses and know that I can do pull ups (or garden, or play guitar) better with hands that are used to going bare to the tool.
You can lift without gloves and avoid calluses by exfoliating and moisturising your hands.
It is usually related to autoimmune activity and / or excess hydrogen peroxide burning the thyroid leading to abnormal / mutated cells — like a callus on your hand when you are rough with your hands.
After destroying my hands from lifting and building up a number of nasty calluses, I finally bought myself a pair of training gloves.
Not only that, but I was in beast mode... I ended up ripping a callus off my hand.
This will make your hands rough and create calluses.
Utilize a loose grip to avoid ripping your hands or calluses.
Keep a slightly loose grip to avoid tearing your hands or calluses.
When training your hands you will get calluses on the palms and skin tears.
The Secret of Removing Grip Fatigue and Formation of Ugly Hand Calluses During Intense Weight Lifting and Exercise While Setting Personal Records Is To Use The Best Non-Slip Weight Lifting Straps / Grips To Protect Your Hands and Wrists While Making You Feel One With The Bar
College - educated or callus - handed, everyone's expected to pick up a gun when the action heats up.
His hands were callused from the day jobs he'd work from time to time — fixing cars or painting houses.
And he distrusted the kind of person who'd take one look at another man and say in a lordly voice to his companion, «Ah, my dear sir, I can tell you nothing except that he is a left - handed stonemason who has spent some years in the merchant navy and has recently fallen on hard times,» and then unroll a lot of supercilious commentary about calluses and stance and the state of a man's boots, when exactly the same comments could apply to a man who was wearing his old clothes because he'd been doing a spot of home bricklaying for a new barbecue pit, and had been tattooed once when he was drunk and seventeen * and in fact got seasick on a wet pavement.
He's got blue - collar hands (big, rough, callused, not a great sense of touch left) and he said the Kindle felt too delicate and fragile to him.
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