Sentences with phrase «calm behaviour of»

The service is awesome and fast with very calm behaviour of executives and team members.

Not exact matches

Teachers have observed widespread pride and greater confidence among the children of the SHARE dads, with one child much happier and her behaviour calmer, and another better motivated to learn.
David Cameron has been accused by Labour of «patronising, sexist, insulting and un — prime ministerial» behaviour after he told a shadow minister to «calm down, dear» in the Commons.
The authors also note that driver behaviour is a hugely important and unquantified factor, they urge more qualitative research in this area and note «in order to reduce perceived risk and encourage more cycling... reducing or calming existing motorised traffic must be explored first... lane width is the most significant variable to achieve a sufficient vehicle passing distance... the provision of narrow (< 2 m) cycle lanes... may be insufficient... Reconsideration of the entire road design and further exploration of driver behavioural factors is required.»
I'm pride of myself in being honest and most trustworthy, I seek that in a mate, someone who is compassionate yet understanding who has a calm behaviour and a great personality.
Strategies such as one - to - one or teacher aide support, working in small groups, calming or relaxation activities and the explicit teaching of prosocial behaviours were all cited as common ways to support students in this area.
Editable Monthly Newsletter Templates Editable Weekly Newsletter Templates Editable Parent Newsletter Templates Editable forms Tweens and Teens Feelings Flash Cards Keep Calm: Calming Strategies for Tweens and Teens Volume 1 Keep Calm: Calming Strategies for Tweens and Teens Volume 2 Editable Student of the Month Behaviour Awards Editable Student of the Month Academic and Elective Awards Classroom Rules and Expectations Poster Initial Interview Guide Conversation Starters
Students comment on the unique, useful and enjoyable nature of the wellbeing lessons, with 88 per cent indicating that they highly enjoy their wellbeing lessons and look forward to them; 85 per cent strongly agreeing that the lessons have meaningful content and are very worthwhile; 68 per cent stating that the lessons help them to become resilient and challenge negative thoughts; 72 per cent reporting that the lessons encourage them to become calmer in their thinking and more thoughtful and understanding; and 66 per cent reporting that the lessons help them change their behaviour for the better and to recognise their individual strengths.
Proposed by a group of local teachers, Saint Anne's High School for Girls will be a secondary school for Luton that will provide a calm, caring and nurturing environment where hard work and exemplary behaviour are the norm.
Dogs often exhibit long series of «calming signals» to indicate their discomfort before they escalate to violence which cats rarely seem to (though admittedly, I've formally studied canine behaviour but not feline).
If you do go to your puppy then you will be just reinforcing the behaviour, but if you ignore your puppy then he will soon learn that his howling doesn't get him any of your attention and when he is quiet you can then go to him and give him attention, this will help to make your puppy realise that if he is quiet and calm then he will be rewarded with your attention, and in turn if he is howling then he gets no attention at all.
Let them meet people of all colours, children, people wearing hats, the postman, elderly people, introduce them to noises like the vacuum cleaner, hairdryer, washing machine, get them used to being handled, groomed ears checked etc and reward them for calm relaxed behaviour.
His behaviour is calm and patient, thats why all of his students are always satisfied and happy.
Behaviour of the executives and staff members is very calm and nice.
The behaviour of the staff is also nice and calm nature.
The behaviour of the staff members of the company is very nice and calm.
The behaviour of the company members was nice with calm nature.
The behaviour of the executives and staff is calm and nice.
The behaviour of the staff members and executives is very nice with calm nature.
The behaviour of executives is nice and calm nature too.
The behaviour of the executives and staff members is nice with calm nature.
The behaviour of the executives and staff of the company is very nice and calm nature.
Service so quick because not a single man but all work together that's why, Large number of hospitals, executives and staff members all time service with calm behaviour and many more thing to make my policy the best.
The service facilitate by the executives and staff of the company is very good with calm behaviour.
Behaviour of all of them is nice with calm nature.
The behaviour of executives is very calm.
Behaviour of the staff of the company is very calm and nice.
Interrupting the behaviour like this gives both of you the opportunity to calm down, and address the issue head on, and then regroup to focus your efforts on achieving the best possible outcome in your negotiation.
By calling out their behaviour it gives both of you the opportunity to calm down, address the issue and then regroup to focus your efforts on achieving the best possible outcome in your negotiation.
And when I asked about what changed with KidsMatter what educators reported was that in fact that children were more settled, they were enjoying their work more, they were able to understand the causes of children's behaviour and so they were really able to respond more effectively and in a calm and supportive way.
The tailored programme included: a supplemental ASD parent advocate introductory meeting; additional time to cover the unique play behaviours of children with ASD; extensive use of visual resources and simple language; additional time to discuss videos; additional time for emotion coaching; additional time for calming down and self - regulation skills; additional time to discuss stress and burden experienced by families of children with ASD; and emphasis on the importance of social support outside the group.
These aspects included father involvement in play and care when children were younger, whether parents have a mutually supportive partner relationship, home organisation (the extent to which the home atmosphere is calm and ordered, rather than noisy and chaotic), family ethos (the extent to which family relations and activities are mutually supportive and co-ordinated), and positive parenting (the extent to which parents are involved in the child's activities and use praise and other positive reinforcement of the child's behaviour).
Instead of using behaviour management or behaviour modification strategies to control children's behaviour, this seminar is about offering children a closer connection to feel calm.
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