Sentences with phrase «calm overactive»

This will calm your overactive dog enough so that you can get the job done.
Lemon balm appears to calm an overactive thyroid (Graves» disease), according to Eric Yarnell, ND, an assistant professor of botanical medicine at Bastyr University.
The leaves, stems, and flowers of the passionflower plant can help reduce anxiety and calm an overactive mind.
The medicine is believed to calm overactive neurons as well as possibly influence the release of neurotransmitters.
A study of genetic data from 36,000 people with autoimmune diseases shows that dialing down a protein's activity — but not knocking it completely out — may provide a new way to calm overactive immune systems without raising the risk of getting infections.
The researchers also tested whether learning and memory deficits could be corrected using drugs that calm the overactive signaling cascades.
A GABA - AT — blocking drug called vigabatrin is already on the market to treat epilepsy by calming overactive neurons.

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He says the capsaicin desensitizes these overactive nerves by depleting Substance P, and once the nerves calm down, the nasal passages clear.
This process is designed to calm down your immune system's overactive response to the allergen.
Drugs are mainly prescribed to treat urinary incontinence and calm down overactive bladders.
However, a great place to start is with an anti-inflammatory diet that removes food intolerances and calms inflammation, helping to restore balance to an overactive immune system.
If the adrenals become overactive during chronic stress, the thyroid may slow down to try to calm the system.
Psoriatic arthritis patients have an overactive immune system and can tremendously benefit from treatments that help calm it down.
The endorphins released by getting your heart rate up are calming to an overactive immune system that flares autoimmunity.
The idea is that this «calms down» the overactive antagonist muscles.
ApexM strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor eliminating any bladder leakage when laughing, coughing, sneezing or exercising — giving you better bladder control and also calms the muscle that surrounds the bladder to stop urgency / overactive bladder symptoms.
Since people with psoriasis tend to have an overactive immune system, calming systemic inflammation can be helpful.
Because my mind is often overactive, I usually need something to calm it down.
Meditation is the quickest and best way to «switch» our overactive brains off, leading to greater mental clarity, better concentration, a happier disposition and an inner sense of calm and ease.
Also, the supplement also helped to calm the problems that can come with an overactive immune system like itchy skin, hives, and a dry coat.
Probiotic Max by Nature's Farmacy is effective in helping the canine body rid itself of invading pathogens, calm the digestive tract, and help sooth an overactive immune system.
is effective in helping the canine body rid itself of invading pathogens, calm the digestive tract, and help sooth an overactive immune system.
Dogs that are overactive can calm down in response to obedience training or direction.
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