Sentences with phrase «calm pet behaviors»

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Audible is citing their new program is backed up by extensive research, the problem is this «research» stems from the Cesar Millan's Dog Psychology Center, who said 76 % of dog owners who played audiobooks for their dogs reported an increase in calm, relaxed behavior in their pets over a four - week period.
Slip - ups will happen, and it is a matter of being calm and correcting your pet's behavior as soon as they occur that will help the process go more smoothly.
Calming and behavior products can help pet owners keep their cats safe and provide retailers with incremental sales.
The need for calming and behavior products is growing as more consumers learn they can help relieve their pets» anxiety.
• Stress - relieving products such as Sileo and prescription medications can modify behaviors and calm pets.
Reward calm behavior from either pet.
Reinforce good behavior with calm praise, gentle pet or favorite treat.
Monitor your pet for signs of calmer behavior, including soft eyes, relaxed breathing and easy movement.
Every time your dog does this or any unsavory behavior during the walk, stop walking and wait for your pet to calm down.
No animal is perfect when it comes to following directions and remaining calm, but if your pet exhibits a majority of these behaviors, they may be a great therapy animal.
A good training can not be based in any way on the methods of punishment, on the contrary, you must always use the rewards (positive reinforcement) as the basic principle of the training of your dog.Do you know what that means?To reward your dog, you can give dog treats, pet your dog or congratulate him when he adopts a behavior that you like when he responds to an order or simply when he is calm and quiet.In this way, your dog will associate an action with something positive.
These may include increasing your pet's mental stimulation through play or physical exercise, behavior modification techniques and the use of behavior tools such as Gentle Leader Headcollars, calming shirts or pheromone usage.
Rescue Remedy is a homeopathic, natural way to help support calm behavior in pets during stressful situations.
Remain Calm, when your pet is stressed out it can be hard as pet owners not to want to coddle or baby our animals, but by doing this, we are just reinforcing their stressed out behavior.
However, be cautious and monitor your pet for calmer behavior versus just holding still.
Fortunately, using a calm voice, rewarding good behavior, never hitting or yelling at your pet, and demonstrating plenty of patience can help them feel more secure in no time.
• Stress - relieving products such as Feliway, Adaptil and Composure and prescription medications can modify behaviors and calm pets.
''... calmed my fears and gave me new insights into my cat... best of all, my cat came back exactly how and when Thom said he would» Read more about Pet Behavior Problem & lost pet testimonial Kathrine K., Jersey City, NJ
This facilitates a secure, calm consultation from the comfort of your very home, with the added benefit that evaluating a pet's behavior and overall demeanor in a relaxed and natural setting is advantageous to begin with!
Comfort Zone sprays and diffusers contain either DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) or Feliway (feline facial pheromones) which mimic natural pheromones to calm pets and curb undesirable behavior.
HomeoPet Anxiety Relief promotes a sense of calm in pets exhibiting fear, fretting, or anxious or unwanted behavior during traveling, grooming, thunderstorms, or separation.
While many articles you may read may focus on training, behavior, chemical, or serotonin increasing prescription medication to calm your stressed out pet, since this is a natural healing site, my focus in this piece will be on applications of natural remedies for anxiety disorders.
Specifically, Millan's center found that 76 % of dog owners who played audio books for their dogs reported an increase in calm, relaxed behavior in their pets over a four - week period.
Asking a dog to sit before throwing a toy or before petting the dog encourages calm behaviors which are rewarded with a game or some attention.
This means that your pets will have less destructive behaviors and will likely have calmer temperaments.
To instill moral values and behaviors in children in the humane treatment of animals, while giving our rescue pets some extra attention in a calm and quiet manner before their «bedtime».
Ignore that behavior until your pet has calmed.
Although difficult, wait until your pet calms down when you arrive, so you are rewarding calm behavior.
We carry all sorts of products — from every day items, like collars, leashes, toys and treats — to special purchases, like calming products for anxious pets and items that help discourage unwanted behaviors.
Run by a former university professor who is now a licensed, insured, certified Canine Behavior Consultant with years of experience, Calm Energy teaches you how to «speak dog» to create the peaceful city pet you've always wanted.
When your pet is young do train them to be rewarded for calm, non anxious behavior during fireworks, and other loud noises.
For example, using «happy talk» and the promise of a treat, calm your dog as you engage in gentle behaviors such as petting or brushing, and work your way up to short, gentle hugs.
Humans can also lead their pets into hyperactivity when they fail to reinforce calm behavior.
Working alongside our veterinarian, we can form a customized behavior modification plan that allows you to gradually train your pet to be self - sufficient, calming their anxiety.
«The calming and behavior category is being driven by consumers looking for more natural, non-pharmaceutical options for their pets,» says Derek J. Archambault, director of marketing, pet and retail, for FoodScience Corporation in Williston, Vt. «We see that a majority of pet owners would like to try a supplement option before going to a prescription drug, and when it comes to issues like anxiety - triggered behavior challenges, they are embarrassed to talk to their vet about it.»
Calming aids and behavior modification / training products offer pet specialty retailers a lot of merchandising flexibility.
After your pet is clean and calm, reward their good behavior with a treat or chew.
The good news is that as pet owners become more attuned to their pet's emotional needs, the demand for calming and behavior - modification products is on the rise.
Calm, already house trained and less susceptible to unpredictable behavior, older animals are often more easily physically managed by elderly persons than stronger, excitable younger animals; yet older pets still confer the same medical and emotional benefits on their owners as younger animals do.
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