Sentences with phrase «calming breaths when»

Sometimes I have to take deep, calming breaths when I'm in the express line behind someone who's sorting through coupons and paying with a check.

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«It's a very calming and surreal state being underwater, especially when you're holding your breath for that long,» he said.
In the early morning darkness, once my heart calmed and breath eased, I looked beside me to the silhouette of the precious one who took a sacramental leap of faith when marrying me.
If you do and when your baby is older than 9 months; take a deep breath and start on a Thursday night and let dad (if he's around) try to calm your baby at night without you being around.
For example, blow bubbles with your child as a way to teach him to take deep, calming breaths and teach him to use «bubble breaths» when he's mad.
We connect in the most amazing way to the power of our breath, recognizing how it can create a sense of calm and peace throughout our bodies, yet it provides us power when we need it.
Because discipline is often emotionally charged, it may help to take a parental «timeout» when you feel stressed, such as closing your eyes and taking deep breaths or counting, or even going to another room until you're calmed down (only briefly if your child is an infant or toddler), to discuss the situation.
Of course it's crushing when you're in the moment, but try your best to take deep breaths, stay as calm as possible and help one baby at a time.
Maybe he can go off by himself and take ten deep «calming» breaths when he's frustrated (breathe in deeply through the nose, hold it a moment, and let it out very slowly through a small hole in your lips).
But rather than pushing baby out for a long time before the body and perenium are stretched and ready, with breathing, slow, even breaths, she conditions her body to stay calm, and evidence has been shown that by doing this she is pushing baby further down the birth canal until the end when they are at the opening and ready to emerge.
Taking a deep breath and explaining in a calm voice why mom or dad is frustrated by a driver may help Sally also take a deep breath when her dolly is suddenly yanked out of her arms by a playmate
However, instead of responding in panic and jumping into rescue your child when he / she is anxious, take a deep breath, stay calm, and try to remember to model brave and approach behavior.
When they find themselves on display in an unfair and unflattering way, scientists should take a deep breath, calm down, sort scientific arguments from personal attacks, and calculate an appropriate response — or just let it go.
The right breathing — proper belly breaths — is a quick way to calm stress, and reduces all that cortisol that's pouring in to our body (when you're in the «fight or flight» stress response mode).
Svatmarama wrote in the Hatha Yoga Prakipika that «when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life.
In my own experience, I find that I am highly productive, calm and focused when in a state of ketosis (as measured by blood ketone and breath acetone levels).
This goal will also include to pause and take deep breaths when things get stressful (instead of getting frustrated... focus on breathing and calming down).
As Chopra explains, breath is the movement of thought, and when we can slow our breathing, we can learn to calm our thoughts.
When you breath properly, the calming effect on the nervous system is profound.
Some people make a decision to take a deep breath and jump in, especially during a time of the year when life gets a bit calmer and you feel like you can breathe.
Most pupils think your tummy goes in when you take a deep breath; which is why they don't know how to calm down in the exam room.
This skill - building happens in the course of everyday instruction, when teachers pause to encourage students to pose a question in a more respectful tone, imagine how others feel, take a deep breath to calm themselves down, break a goal into manageable pieces and more.
Alternatively, removing the dog from frightening or exciting situations when it begins to hyperventilate will typically allow it to calm down and breath properly again.
• By finding your focus and clearing your mind, you open up to the possibility of progress • Learning to breath properly will calm you when you're stressed, relax your body, and tighten your focus • Current values of surfers are similar to those who practice yoga; we take care of our bodies and minds • The benefits of yoga on surfing more specifically are increased strength and flexibility
When in Breath of the Wild «s Hyrule; calming floating around the sky from snow covered mountain peak to a humid marsh; sprinting for protection from a lightning storm; the feeling of serenity and happiness blending with excitement and curiosity that I felt as a kid running from the Kokiri Forest to Lon Lon Ranch, and beyond it, Hyrule Castle.
I know a direct comparison between narrative lead FPS and a nebulous MMO-esque whatever the hell Destiny is meant to be is difficult (trying to put Destiny in any sort of box is like trying to calm down a toddler who ate a kilo of Malteaser's), but it does go to show that when priced well DLC can be a breath of fresh air.
When you are faced with road rage, slow down, calm down, take a deep breath, and be on your way.
So, when you find yourself getting agitated and restless in the moment, take a deep breath and remind yourself to keep your tone positive, calm and relaxed.
Emotional regulation & play Couples will learn to recognize when they get triggered emotionally, and how to use their breath and body to calm themselves down.
The inspiration for «Just Breathe» first came about a little over a year ago when I overheard my then 5 - year - old son talking with his friend about how emotions affect different regions of the brain, and how to calm down by taking deep breaths — all things they were beginning to learn in Kindergarten at their new school, Citizens of the World Charter School, in Mar Vista, CA.
If your child is very anxious or angry, help them to calm down first (eg having some quiet time, taking some deep breaths) or leave problem solving for another day or another issue when you know your child is ready to participate.
when we take deep breaths and calm ourselves first before responding to their behavior.
When they are upset, they can sink back into their shells (they can place their arms over their head) and breath inside the shelter of their own arms to regain calm before re-entering their environment.
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