Sentences with phrase «caloric value of»

Most dogs will need about 1 cc of formula for every ounce of body weight every three hours, although this depends on the caloric value of the formula you are using.
Eating regime is based on the number of meals per day and caloric value of each of them.
The fiber coupled with the low caloric value of raspberries also makes them a great snack for portly pups looking to drop a couple pounds.
Manufacturers recommendations are listed on the bag and are based on the weight of the puppy and the caloric value of the food.
For example, let's say you're teaching a course on nutrition and you have a 15 - minute video on the caloric value of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
The caloric value of this mix in this proportion is 6.38 kcal / g (leucine & isoleucine each have 6.52 kcal / g, valine has 5.96 kcal / g).
Here's a little bit of historical science behind the accepted caloric value of protein, carb, and fat in the diet.
Counting calories may seem like a hassle when you start off for the first time but you quickly get used to it and get to know the caloric value of all foods very quickly.
Food scientists determine the caloric value of a food by placing it in a special apparatus that essentially torches it to a crisp and measures the heat given off.
The approximate caloric value of the items I listed above is 800 calories.
Rubner was the first person to measure the caloric value of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
All you need to do is follow the caloric value of each ingredient in your daily diet, and compare it with how many calories you spend with your daily and extracurricular activities.
Keeping track of the caloric value of everything you eat can be of crucial importance for your progress, so no matter how annoying it seems to be, keep on counting until it becomes an unnoticeable habit.
If you complement this meal with vegetables instead of bread and bacon, than you can contain the caloric value of your meal to roughly 300 calories, but still get the right amount of proteins and other nutrients.
Furthermore, you can always up the caloric value of standard protein shakes by enriching them with nut butters, Greek yogurt or whole nuts.
Although some restaurants post the caloric value of their food, many do not.
Those are generally linked to the caloric value of chocolate, some inherent chemical compounds of the cocoa plant such as caffeine and theobromine, and a variety of additives we add to chocolate such as sugar or milk.»
I plan to try the recipe without the icing, however do you happen to know the caloric value of a specific serving size of the pound cake no icing?
I'm pretty confident that with spicy foods, you burn more calories trying to eat it than the actual caloric value of the food.
The actual caloric value of Atheism is identical to Christianity, in that both are 0 calories and have no other nutritional value.
For those who wish to know to caloric values of Breakfast Bread recipe above: Calories - 250; Grams of Fat - 18.5, Protein - 10, Carb - 16; per 1 — 4 inch x 4 inch piece (yield 4 pieces per batch).
The other filler ingredients (mostly grains) are inexpensive ways for dog food companies to supplement the caloric values of their products.

Not exact matches

The value of the bible is entirely caloric.
However, the high caloric value and fat content of coconut flesh and oil means that it is unlikely to help weight loss.
I'm just thinking of the caloric values as well.
Just wondering if you know the caloric content or nutritional value of this dish.
Nutrient - richness is defined as the amount of a particular nutrient (vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, omega - 3 fatty acids, and others) in relationship to that food's caloric value.
Nutrient - dense foods are simply those that have a large amount of nutrients in relation to their serving size or caloric value.
One piece of dark chocolate contains only 17 kcal, the same caloric value as slice of apple!
It's caloric value is significantly lower than the one of sugar and is characterized by similar full taste and sweetness.
For a developing, growing baby, the type of fats and the caloric value is a good thing.
Regardless of whether you breastfeed or not, a diet reducing the energy value of daily caloric demand is not recommended after birth.
But really, the caloric intake of the mother doesn't relate to the nutritional value of her milk — meaning they'd still have the same amount of calories and nutrients.
Cut in half your typical portion of carbs, and mix it with some vegetables with low caloric value.
Nut, particularly pistachios, contain a mix of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which satiates the body and prevent you from consuming other foods with high caloric value and less nutrients.
The most important element here is the efficient calorie burning process — put the amount of food you eat aside and ask yourself: does your body make the best use of its caloric value?
On the days when you're training, try increasing your caloric intake of up to 500 calories per day over the maintenance value.
The marines weight did not change significantly, and their food had high caloric value as well as high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol.
They often have a high caloric value, but are devoid of vitamins and minerals and quality macronutrients.
Although these products do not contain enough calories for the bodybuilders, they can be of use if supplemented with other ingredients, such as fruit, skimmed milk, essential fatty acids, thus increasing their caloric value.
In this study, both the reduction in caloric intake and magnitude of weight loss at 6 mo in the subjects who consumed a 25 % protein diet were significantly greater than the values observed in subjects who consumed a 12 % protein diet (10).
Remember the caloric value is simply a measure of how much heat is produced by burning.
Consider two foods that are equal caloric values — a plate of cookies versus a salad with olive oil with salmon.
Even so, at twice the caloric value, a pat of butter would still come in at under 30 percent of calories based on a visual assessment of the volume of food on the plate.
Each of these leafy vegetables provide trace amounts of fat and protein, which contribute minimally to the overall caloric value.
So that pat of butter provides over twice the caloric value per weight than the proteins and carbohydrates in the meat and vegetables.
But the diner's claim to virtue fades away when the mathematics of caloric values are explained.
In the present study we investigated the effect of carnitine on ketogenesis in small - for - date neonates fed formulae of equal caloric value and fat content that was predominantly long - chain triglycerides or medium - chain triglycerides (46 % of total fat).»
Consider two foods of equal caloric value.
Both butters have the same amount of total fat and the same caloric value.
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