Sentences with phrase «calorie meal substitute»

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To make this meal more waistline friendly, try substituting the pasta with thin slices of courgette, making the white sauce with skimmed milk and substituting the regular cheese with extra strong low fat cheese — you'll get the same flavors but considerably fewer calories.
Here's the big idea: How can you substitute in a low calorie smoothie for a higher calorie meal - item that you normally eat?
When you substitute a meal with a lower - calorie protein shake, it is possible to experience steady weight loss and positive changes in physical parameters over time.
A: You might substitute a protein bar for a meal, hoping it will help you trim calories and lose weight.
Researchers were able to cut people's caloric intake nearly in half, from 3000 calories a day down to 1570 without cutting portions, just by substituting less calorie dense foods, which means lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, compared to a high energy density meal with lots of meat and sugar.
It can replace the starchy portion of your meal as a low - calorie, nutrient - dense substitute for baked potatoes, pasta or rice dishes.
During competition prep I substitute shakes for meals, just to make my metabolism work harder to burn the calories.
This occurs because there are very few calories in tea and, when this tea is used as a substitute for certain foods or meals, it helps reduce overall food intake and subsequent weight and fat loss.
Or Choose a Food Category to Browse Milk and Milk Products Milks and Milk Drinks Creams and Cream Substitutes Milk Desserts, Sauces, Gravies Cheeses Meat, Poultry, Fish and Mixtures Beef Pork Lamb, Veal, Game Poultry Organ Meats, Sausages and Lunchmeats Fish and Shellfish Meat, Poultry, Fish with Nonmeat Items Frozen Meals, Soups and Gravies Eggs Eggs Egg Mixtures Egg Substitutes Dry Beans, Peas, Other Legumes, Nuts and Seeds Legumes Nuts and Nut Mixtures Seeds and Seed Mixtures Grain Products Yeast Breads, Rolls Quick Breads Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Pastries Crackers and Salty Snacks Pancakes, Waffles, Other Grain Products Pastas, Cooked Cereals, Rice Other Cereals Fruits Citrus Fruits, Juices Dried Fruits Other Fruits Non-Citrus Juices and Nectars Vegetables White Potatoes and Starchy Vegetables Dark Green Vegetables Deep Yellow Vegetables Tomatoes and Tomato Mixtures Other Vegetables Oils and Salad Dressings Fats Oils Salad Dressings Sugars, Sweets and Beverages Sugars and Sweets Nonalcoholic Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Fiber & Protein grams are per 100 calories of food.
Konnyaku (Konjac) contains almost no calories or sugar, it is a great substitute for carbohydrate foods such as rice, noodles and pasta in meals.
Due to the squash's low calorie content, substituting spaghetti squash in place of spaghetti pasta dramatically reduces the calorie content of your meal; substituting a cup of squash in place of pasta saves you 179 calories.
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