Sentences with phrase «calorie reduction through»

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31 leading food and drink companies, including Coca - cola, Mondelez International (formerly Kraft Foods UK), Nestle, Subway and all the major retailers have signed up to the calorie reduction pledge — making some strong commitments to cut and cap calories, as well as through promotional activity encouraging people to eat healthier foods
If you've watched some of your most successful friends and acquaintances, one reasons they're probably successful is because they're consciously or unconsciously consuming fewer carbs (whether through calorie restriction or direct carbohydrate reduction) in their diet.
The calorie reductions were calculated individually through the ratio of isotopes absorbed by the participants» molecules and tissues over 2 weeks, a technique that accurately pinpoints a weight - maintenance calorie level.
«I think you'll probably still have to do both: reduce energy intake through diet and increase energy expenditure by blocking this compensatory reduction in burning calories.
He told me to forget about chest exercises for now, and to focus on generalized body fat reduction through cardio and rigorous calorie restriction.
One study showed that calorie reduction AND consumption of adequate nutrient intake through healthy foods play an important role in healing Polysistic Ovary Syndrome.
The reduction of body weight as the result of diet change or burning more calories through physical activity — ideally both.
The biological mechanisms of lifespan extension through calorie restriction are not fully understood, but researchers say it may involve alterations in energy metabolism (as mentioned above), reduced oxidative damage, improvements in insulin sensitivity, reduction of glycation, modulation of protein metabolism, downregulation of pro-inflammatory genes and functional changes in both neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous systems.
Through improved recovery times, collagen stimulation, reduced wrinkles, cellulite reduction and calorie burning, we are the catalyst for achieving the body you've always wanted.
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