Sentences with phrase «calories equal energy»

They might be higher in calories, but remember: calories equal energy, and these high - quality calories provide the fuel that your body needs to function.

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Fats, he found, were the most energy - dense, being worth about 9 calories per gram, while proteins and carbs were roughly equal at about 4 calories per gram.
A really interesting new study has found that digesting whole foods requires more energy than digesting processed food — even when the calories in both foods are equal.
Then, weightlifting creates a lot of muscle damage that increases post-workout metabolism because it takes energy to repair the muscle fibers you've destroyed while training, which equals to even more calories burned.
So this idea that it's only about calories, [and that] all calories are created equal; well, in terms of the energy in the calories, yes... But in terms of the fate of the nutrient downstream, entirely apart from the caloric content; the same amount of calories of different nutrients will have a dramatically different effect.»
More energy equals better workouts and more calories being burnt.
It may take a while to adjust to getting the right about of calories — low fat and plenty of carbs (which equal energy), but once you have that down, the results are indisputable.
«Unfortunately, the energy balance equation [you know, calories in have to equal calories out] suggests that energy intake and energy expenditure occupy equivalent roles in determining energy balance, when in fact the factors governing energy intakes influence the energy balance far more powerfully than the factors determining resting energy expenditure.»
Eating an excess of 3,500 calories, and not using them for energy, will equal one pound of weight gained.
There are many ways to stay fit, but the best way is to balance the energy consumed to the energy utilized (in other words calories eaten should be equal to the calories burned).
There is no question that a reduction of calorie intake coupled with high - level energy expenditure results in weight loss (all other factors being equal).
According to current research though, TEF is proportional to the calorie content and vary with macronutrient composition (with the highest increase in energy expenditure observed with a high protein diet) and not meal frequency per se, as demonstrated by the equal TEF in different meal patterns under iso - caloric conditions (79,80).
After all, according to the law of the conservation of energy, the calories in must equal the calories out, i.e., they must balance.
Finally, in Pasiakos et al. [40] participants undergoing an equal calorie deficit and consuming the same amount of protein as those observed in Mettler et al. [29] lost three times the amount of LBM over the same time period (0.9 kg in the first two weeks of energy restriction observed by Pasiakos versus 0.3 kg observed by Mettler).
When your calorie intake and output are equal, you are in energy balance.
In formula, ALL healthy dogs» daily water requirement in milliliters is approximately equal to their daily energy requirements in calories.
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