Sentences with phrase «calorific energy»

Not exact matches

When women undergo strict exercise regimes and restrict their calorific intake, energy is diverted away from maintaining their reproductive system.
Due to their fast metabolism and naturally slight build, ectomorph athletes need to pay particular attention to bolstering their calorific intake to fuel workouts, replenish depleted energy stores and aid recovery.
Endomorphs tend to be dominant in insulin, meaning they have a lower carbohydrate tolerance to the other body types, and a propensity towards energy storage (e.g additional calorific intake and sugars are easily stored as fat.)
The gallery describes the «calorific» (to do with calorie consumption and expenditure) tray paintings of silver nitrate and epoxy ink on canvas, as representative of an individuals energy transfer over a period of one second of activity such as standing or lying down.
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