Sentences with word «cambium»

But the cause of the stripbark growth spurt has more to do with the fact that if there's only a strip of cambium in use there is no radial component to speak of.
The meristematic tissue in the trees cambium produces them.
Wind - carried spores, invading from Asia, entered cracks in the bark, spreading a foreign fungus that sickened and killed the cambium layer.
The rest of the cambium layer and bark continue to expand around the injured portion.
These are seasonal growth increments produced by meristematic tissues in the tree's cambium.
He focused my attention on the hollow where the cat was denned and how the tree's cambium, or growth layer, had started to «re-sheath,» or heal over the gap.
I (and presumably most of this thread's readers) understand that you distinguish scarring of the cambium from the formation of stripbark.
The radial gradient of sap velocity in these trees was quantified in an earlier study (Cohen et al. 2008), indicating a quasi-linear decrease from maximum sap velocity at 5 mm below the cambium down to zero at 40 mm.
These are seasonal growth increments produced by meristematic tissues in the cambium of the tree.
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