Sentences with phrase «came about that conclusion»

So, when you say Kroenke is «keeping it all to himself», I truly wonder how you came about that conclusion.

Not exact matches

As I thought more about it I realized that over the years I had come to two uncommon conclusions about monetary incentives.
Another study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2012 came to a similar conclusion about pistachios, finding that they had about 5 % fewer calories than originally assumed.
Redburn doesn't come to a conclusion about which system is better, but he does raise a couple of interesting points.
To come to this conclusion a team out of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine surveyed 1,788 young Americans about both their social media habits and their sleep.
I learned a very careful, humble and diplomatic pedagogy for eliciting others to think on their own terms and come to their own conclusion while always being honest (but not aggressive) about my own views.
For all he knew about running a company, however, Weinfurter came to the conclusion that he didn't know much about hiring.
Despite all this promising research, none of the existing papers came to any definitive conclusions about which genes seemed to be tied to the disorder.
Different administrators have come to different conclusions about how best to apply the law in view of the science, and many of their decisions have been challenged in court, sometimes successfully, for either going too far or not far enough.
I come to this rather awkward conclusion about bias courtesy of a group of studies.
The report's method was narrow and can not come to a conclusion about a company's security, said Matt Gause, of FreeTaxUSA.
She says she realizes now she should have come to that conclusion herself, but that she was «in over my head» in terms of how to even go about doing that.
Contrary to their portrayal in pop culture, entrepreneurs aren't purely «idea people,» dreaming up revolutionary new concepts and introspectively coming to profound conclusions about their industry — though they are that, at times.
I've thought about this topic a lot, and I keep coming back to the same annoying conclusion: lots of families spend all of their income (or more), and when they realize this is a problem, they try to cut back on small luxuries when they should be thinking about housing and car expenses — the elephants in the room.
«If you're not going to be in the top half of the class, you're going to run the risk of mistakenly thinking that you are not a good student, of coming to a conclusion about your own abilities that's at odds with reality.»
He might be right, yet it's too early to come to any conclusions about the degree to which responsible investing will move into the mainstream.
I also came to the conclusion that paying «experts» 1 % per annum was simply not cost effective in the current extreme low yield environment, so decided that I would try and learn as much as I could about making my own investment decisions.
«Going through and looking at it more recently as the stock has come down to the levels that it hit post-third quarter results, I came to my own conclusion that, I have got about 10 to 15 percent downside if this transition is not yet complete.»
The same report came to the conclusion that the average international retirement extends to about 18 years, while retirement savings only last about ten years.
I've thought about that, but could never come to a logical conclusion.
In a news conference Monday, Tempe Police Sergeant Roland Elcock said local authorities had not come to any conclusions about who is at fault.
The fact that many people have intelligently reflected on this verse and different conclusions come to about its meaning demands that where there are differences in understanding that come from its reading, that they be treated with the utomost intellectual respect.
Beats me about that book Greg but I'm pretty sure that Isaac Asimov, Greg Bear, and Orson Scot Card, amongst many other great writers have come to the same conclusion.
Surely he is aware that millions of people have relied on that same method throughout history, and through it have come to diametrically and often violently opposed conclusions about the identity, nature, and desires of the being they claim to be perceiving.
Where is all the information that could be used to come to a conclusion about this particular study?
Had Martin Luther learned the proper way to translate and read the Jewish scriptures from the Jewish people instead of his own foolish interpretations he would have never come to such contradictory conclusions about us.
Sam: So you're answer is «I know god exists because I thought about it and came to the conclusion that he does»?
That maybe we're overlooking something when coming to conclusions about life, physical laws, and absolutely everything else in between.
@ Derrick Yu, This actually may come as a shocker, but there are believers out there who still continue to ask questions about God, about the Universe, and so forth, and unlike certain atheists out there who if they can't get definite answers to just come to conclusions that can not be verified like conclude that there is no God, at least there are believers out there who at least are willing to at least be open to the possibility that there is a God, and from there they develop their faith, which even though is not a perfect knowledge, at least can help keep those minds open, unlike certain atheists who take the easy way out and convincing themselves that it is a fact that there is no God, when in reality it is not a fact at all.
Each of us will have our own responses and come to our own conclusions, and will probably find that our convictions about these things evolve over time.
Besides, Mary came to the same conclusion, and if anyone had something to complain about it was her.
So I was not making any speculations, I was pointing out that if what you say is true, then anyone and everyone would be coming to the same conclusion about the same creator, instead you get 41,000 different flavors of one brand along with tens of thousand of other brands.
«I'll pray about it» I certainly would throw that into the same bag as «the will of the Lord» for you or myself by someone else, is always generated by their personal prejudices, what don't appeal to them is not the will of the Lord, I came to that conclusion only year's after the damage was already done.
The decision comes at the conclusion of 30 hours of trial over the past few weeks and about a month after the government suspended Jehovah's Witnesses activities in March.
@Keith, I have very bit of confidence that you'll soon come to the same conclusion I did about fishon aka The Troll.
Namely that the idea that each of us has the luxury of using rationality exclusively to come to any deep conclusions about the nature of our lives and the world.
He surely can not seriously imagine that men of similar intellectual caliber to his own have not asked the same searching fundamental questions about life and its meaning which he himself asks, and yet have come to the conclusion that the Christian Faith is an indispensable part of total truth.
Though Christians may come to different conclusions concerning their convictions about drug laws, being informed about the current state of incarceration and the long - running War on Drugs is the first step in forming an intelligent opinion.
All parents need to be vigilant to make sure our kids are shown the world the way it really is, and educated to come to their own conclusions about what's offensive.
But if a scientist came along with Adam on the sixth day and carbon - dated the trees or measured their rings, what conclusions would he draw about their age?
Any examples to enlighten us with why you came up with this assertion and conclusion based on your knowledge about the Quran and the writings therein?
I've done a lot of thinking about this since I first made that post, and have come to this conclusion:
Were any of these people alive today and involved in molecular biology in addition to physics, they would be amazed at the facts we have managed to gather about the world and probably independently come to the conclusion of evolution by natural selection.
No, we are not to judge the soul of the person, but surely we can come to an obvious conclusion about someone by judging their actions.
I've had this same thought about myself and came to the conclusion that everything we teach is a product of someone teaching it to us.
I believe if someone applies the same logic to Christianity as they do to Zeus and Santa I think they will come to the same conclusion about each, well I did anyway.
I have studied those verses quite extensively and have come to different conclusions about what they teach.
So here we have two leaders both coming to different conclusions about our culture.
Generally if you think enough about religion without preconceived notions you'll come to the conclusion that they're all nonsense.
I've come to the conclusion that for many people who are leaving the church, it's not about them being hurt, but about them needing to be allowed to think and even change their minds.
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